Complementation(BiFC)thatareusedwidelyforprotein-proteininteractionstudiesinplants requireextensiveinstrumentation.Tofacilitateprotein-proteininteractionsstudiesinplants,we adoptedtheluciferasecomplementationimaging(LCI)assay.Theamino-terminaland carboxyl-terminalhalvesofthefireflyluciferasereconstituteactiveluciferaseenzymeonlywhe...
The LCI data showed that protein pairs FHY3 and CCA1 interact in cellulo. These results were confirmed using a gel-filtration chromatography assay. 5. Is the firefly luciferase complementation assay quantitative? The mechanism of complementation of the firefly luciferase activity Some of the ...
FIG.1Dshows a firefly luciferase crystal structure (PDB:1LCI) with loops used for split-sites denoted by a *. FIG.2Ais a schematic of new split-luciferases. The FKBP domain was attached to the N-terminal half of Fluc by a 27-residue linker. The C-terminal half of Fluc was appended ...