Complementation(BiFC)thatareusedwidelyforprotein-proteininteractionstudiesinplants requireextensiveinstrumentation.Tofacilitateprotein-proteininteractionsstudiesinplants,we adoptedtheluciferasecomplementationimaging(LCI)assay.Theamino-terminaland carboxyl-terminalhalvesofthefireflyluciferasereconstituteactiveluciferaseenzymeonlywhe...
The method was coined luciferase complementation imaging (LCI) by the research group of Zhou who published the method for the first time in 2008 [19]. In LCI, a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera detects luminescence after d-luciferin is sprayed onto the leaves. In 14 articles (20% of ...
Split-protein complementation provides a robust approach to monitoring protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and their inhibitors. Split-protein systems have also been used to monitor a range of biologically relevant macromolecules. Herein, the present invention provides a novel method of designing a new ...