local insert, remove = table.insert, table.remove function Hekili:EmbedAdaptiveSwarm( s ) s:RegisterCombatLogEvent( function( _, subtype, _, sourceGUID, sourceName, _, _, destGUID, destName, destFlags, _, spellID, spellName ) if not state.covenant.necrolord and not state.talent....
- + tags replaced by metatables and tag methods replaced by metamethods, - stored in metatables. - + proper tail calls. - + each function can have its own global table, which can be shared. - + new __newindex metamethod, called when we insert a new key into a table. - + new...
table.insert(moves, { ids = {id}, toArea = Card.DrawPile, moveReason = fk.ReasonPut, skillName = self.name, drawPilePosition = -1, moveVisible = false, }) end room:moveCards(table.unpack(moves)) end room:drawCards(player,1,self.name) room:doCardUseEffect(data) ...
Lua’s stack is more like an array than a strict stack because we can actually look at arbitrary values in it and insert or remove items from any location at any time. However, conceptually it does work like a call stack in that it tracks parameters and return values from function calls...
Now, instead ofdefininga function, suppose that you’recallinga function on a table: anothertable:amethod(10, 20) In this case, the colon syntax means that the value just before the colon will be sent in as an inserted first parameter to the function. So, the preceding method call is th...
to.id local choiceList = {} table.insert(choiceList, "#as_guju1") if not data.to:isAllNude() then table.insert(choiceList, "#as_guju2:::"..data.damage) end table.insert(choiceList, "#as_guju3:::"..data.damage) local choice = room:askForChoice(player, choiceList, ...
To quickly try out a script, load the "Task Manager" user interface VI located in the Tools->Lua for LabVIEW menu and run it. The "quick script" tab together with the "insert new" and "Run Quick" buttons allow you to write and run a small script such as ...
CLuaLocomotion:SetDeathDropHeight( number height ) Search Github Description Sets the height the bot is scared to fall from. Arguments 1 number height Height (default is 200) Page views: 9,783Updated: A Long Time Ago Account Management Log In Create Account Special Pages Recent Changes ...
When more than one pair is matched for the same option letter/name, the values will be collected in a tableThe optional config table can be used to change the following defaults:When usage mentions -h or --help and either of these options is matched in the arguments, apr.getopt() will...
Both wild type and MG1655(rluA −) were transformed with both the rescue plasmid and its control, and exponential growth rates were measured for all four strains (Table I). Although both rich and minimal media were tested over a temperature range from 24 to 42 °C, no significant ...