In the last decade, comprehensive monitoring of lipid mediators using LCMS has been developed as key technology for disease studies or biomarker exploring. Designed especially for lipid mediator profiling analysis in various biological samples, Shimadzus LCMSMS method package provides a val...
targeted lipid biomarker quantitationthromboxanesLipids are a large family of biologically derived molecules that can be divided into eight different classes. The first four classes have a very similar biochemistry because of the presence of similar fatty acid (FA) substituents. Arachidonic acid (AA) ...
The present work describes the development of a robust and sensitive targeted analysis platform for the simultaneous quantification in blood plasma of lipid oxygenated mediators and fatty acids using solid-phase extraction (SPE) and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry...
Eicosanoids are key mediators and regulators of inflammation and oxidative stress that are often used as biomarkers for severity and therapeutic responses in various diseases. We here report a highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of at least 66 key eicosanoids in a wi...
Derivative forms of fatty acid acids can be used as biomarkers [26]; for example, malondialdehyde, among the most used, is generated by the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Lipid peroxidation is a destructive process that can cause damage to cells and tissues and it has been linked...
Oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) have been recently recognized as important mediators of various and often controversial cellular functions and stress responses. Due to the low concentrations in vivo, oxPL detection is mostly performed by targeted mas
While capable of providing information on the diversity of oxPLs, the main challenge of untargeted lipidomics is the absence of bioinformatics tools to support high-throughput identification of previously unconsidered, oxidized lipids. Here, we present LPPtiger, an open-source software tool for oxPL...
How do lipids serve as biomarkers for distinguishing between different chicken breeds or tissue types? What factors influence the lipid profiles of chicken meat? What is the significance of intramuscular fat in relation to meat quality traits? How many differential lipid molecules were identified in ...
Amino acids, lipid metabolites, and ferritin as potential mediators linking red meat consumption to type 2 diabetes. Habitual red meat consumption was consistently related to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes in observational studies. Potentially underlying mechanisms are ... Clemens,Wittenbecher,Kristin...
Efforts to harmonise methodologies are ongoing spearheaded by the European Network for Oxysterol Research. To-date most studies of oxysterols have adopted a targeted approach; however, a non-targeted “lipidomic” approach has been utilised by some. The idea of untargeted lipidomics is not new [...