ps4 PS4 Remote PKG Install WebGUI 基于 修改,内嵌了一个内网的ngnix 文件服务器地址,方便复制链接 修改顶部的web服务器地址以复制pkg文件超链接,高版本的chrome浏览器会强制将http转为https造成连接失败,需要关闭 功能:直接在浏览器上远程安装PS4 PKG,不再使用PS4 Remote ...
Remote PKG Installer Once you’ve pressed send, it’ll ping a notification over on the PS4 that it is “downloading”. Now as said above, I’m paranoid, but you feel free to go back to the main menu, just don’t suspend the app. IPI (Internal Package Installer) and FTP Download...
ps4 传输pkg..pc向ps4 传输pkg过程中 , 只要ps4 从 pkg install 程序 切换主页 就断电本人 7.51 pro
首先在系统-周边设备看看是否有移动硬盘,有的话那硬盘可以识别,最后pkg安装包一定要放在根目录才能识别。 6楼2020-09-27 14:44 收起回复 亮一光 默默无闻 1 pkg改名为123.pkg试试。 来自Android客户端7楼2020-09-28 11:47 回复 jeleklu 颇具名气 6 应该是不支持的硬盘。230多G的老硬盘可能过低了 8...
Switches the install directory to be a list of multiple game folders. Adds a popup on install pkg to choose which directory to install to. Should solve #226 and #1304 TODO: Add a way to add and r...
From here, you have full access to the storefront, including installing emulators, Retroarch and even apps that you can’t really get hold of now that your PS4 is permanently offline while jailbroken. It’s pretty easy to navigate, so you shouldn’t find it too hard, but you can now...
1. Download the installer Open your default web browser and point it to theGoogle One VPN MacOS download. 2. Install Google One VPN After the file downloads, open Finder, navigate to the Google One DMG file, and double-click it. When prompted, double-click the VpnByGoogleOne.pkg file,...
We have done updtvpkg debug with sh -x /usr/sbin/updtvpkg # which libc.a which: 0652-141 There is no libc.a in /y900x00/ms/exp/util /usr/bin /etc /usr/sbin /usr/ucb /usr/bin/X11 /sbin /usr/java5/jre/bin /usr/java5/bin /usr/openv/netbackup/bin /usr/openv/volmgr/bin....
Launch the PPSSPP (PSP Emulator) app again and access the game and there you have it. In a subsequent post, I will be talking about how to use the PS3 controller in playing PES games on your android phone which should make the gaming experience more interesting....
Installare i pacchetti di Solaris Live Upgrade, usando il comandopkgadd. Per informazioni dettagliate sulla procedura, vedere ilCapitolo 35,Uso di Solaris Live Upgrade per creare un ambiente di boot (procedure)delGuida all’installazione di Solaris 9 9/04. ...