求助大神,PS3 把mm和install pkg不小心删了怎么办啊?赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 AI心相 2019-11-16 21:07:56 重新下了用优盘安装 赞 回复 你的回复 回复请先 登录 , 或 注册 PS3 3862 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 相关内容推荐 讨论|dsn直播切片“你的/大/n/a/i/妹都没跟你走” (...
ps3刷自制系统后Install PackageFiles没有了 我刷的自制系统是PS3UPDAT_Rogero_CEX_4.50_v1.01升级完成后Install PackageFiles就没有了,求解啊 有罩毕一版自制是没有那个没错,不用慌,你进入升闷裤MM选那个跟XMB差不多的界面,第一吵简排或第二排里就有PKG安装的选项
要连同整个文件夹一起复制,这样mm才会自动帮你合并,省去了ftp) 3. 还是在mm的文件管理,运行内置硬盘里已合并好的游戏安装pkg 4.安装成功后在ps3 xmb的界面里应该就有大神的图标,运行游戏 5.删掉内置硬盘内的游戏安装pkg。
PS:误删的是pkg-config目录下的所有文件(按照查看的教程应该是删除临时目录下pkg-config里面的所有文件?!为什么要删这个目录???,最后删错目录了),这对编译来说完全就是灾难性的, 后来通过btrfs的快照恢复过一些,重新安装了一些软件恢复过一些,其他的是等到编译软件报错时再处理的 ...
libc.a(shr.o) is needed by unzip-6.0-3.ppc But /bin/sh is already in this AIX # ls -l /bin/sh -r-xr-xr-x 5 bin bin 313906 Nov 28 2017 /bin/sh # rpm -qa [root] /source/unzip # /usr/sbin/updtvpkg Please wait...error: open of /packages/aix/creation_rpm/RPMS/ppc/AIX...
Launch the PPSSPP (PSP Emulator) app again and access the game and there you have it. In a subsequent post, I will be talking about how to use the PS3 controller in playing PES games on your android phone which should make the gaming experience more interesting....
Hi guys, I can't install my kernel after gerate RPM' files, I try for 4 times to rebuild the kernel, with and without Cattarrapas modules I only use to set fsync everytime, I try to disable ACS and enable in next try but still have a message to no correspondence to argument to ...
Do not useUsbKbDxe, our keyboard is PS/2 FwRuntimeServicesmay be integrated in the OpenCorePkg zip in future releases. Kexts You do not need to use SMCSuperIO/LightSensor/BatteryManager No need for an ethernet kext (as you guessed it, because you don have one, USB ethernet adapters have...
Errore: pkgadd non riuscito per SUNWfrunc Soluzione:scaricare la versione più recente del servizio SRS Net Connect dahttp:// x86: L'installazione di rete PXE si blocca sui sistemi dotati dell'interfaccia SCSI Adaptec Ultra-160 (5039573) ...