install-pkg是一个用于安装依赖的工具,它可以在不同的环境下安装依赖,比如 npm、yarn、pnpm 等。 使用 install-pkg的使用非常简单,根据README的说明,就通过下面的代码就可以安装依赖了: import { install } from 'install-pkg'await installPackage('vite', { silent: true }) 源码分析 install-pkg的源码非常简...
InstallPKG is a wrapper to the 'installer' tool on Mac OS X systems. The functionality is focused on allowing you to quickly and easily install multiple packages to the current boot drive. InstallPKG is released under theGNU GPL licence. ...
git clone # npm i-g pnpm cd install-pkg&&pnpm i # VSCode 直接打开当前项目 # code. 看源码一般先看package.json,再看script。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 {"name":"@antfu/install-pkg","version":"0.1.0","scripts":...
installpkg anaconda-install-env-deps failed: no package matched: anaconda-install-env-deps 2023-03-24 09:39:42,911: template command error in runtime-install.tmpl: template command error in runtime-install.tmpl: 2023-03-24 09:39:42,912: installpkg anaconda anaconda-widgets kexec-tools-anaco...
install-pkg Install package programmatically. Detect package managers automatically (npm,yarn,bunandpnpm). npm i @antfu/install-pkg import{installPackage}from'@antfu/install-pkg'awaitinstallPackage('vite',{silent:true}) Sponsors License MITLicense © 2021Anthony Fu...
main .github .vscode src detect.ts index.ts install.ts .gitignore .npmrc LICENSE eslint.config.js package.json pnpm-lock.yaml tsconfig.json Breadcrumbs install-pkg /src / Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. ...
Watch 1Star1Fork3 连享会/installpkg forked fromkerrydu/installpkg Issues /看板 欢迎使用看板! 看板提供了一种简略直观的展示方式,用于追踪待办事项、问题、功能需求等事情。在使用之前,请先。
npm install pkg-install Usage Install a set of known dependencies to a project const{ install } =require('pkg-install');(async() =>{const{ stdout } =awaitinstall( {twilio:'^3.1','node-env-run':'~1','pkg-install':undefined, }, {dev:true,prefer:'npm', } );console.log(stdout);...
As the post title suggest, after building a pkg that runs and installs on developer machine (and some other machines) some machines show the following error immediately when opening the pkg "[App Name] can’t be installed on this computer." ...
@文心快码please install pkg-config 文心快码 为了安装 pkg-config,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作。这些步骤适用于大多数基于Unix的系统,如Linux和macOS。如果你使用的是Windows系统,你可能需要使用不同的方法(如Cygwin或MinGW)。 打开终端或命令提示符: 在Linux或macOS上,你可以打开终端。 在Windows上,如果你使用的是...