IPI (Internal Package Installer) and FTP Download IPI from the Github page and put it onto the hard drive or USB you use to install PKG files. Head into the GoldHEN menu and then install it from the Package Installer. So with FileZilla all set up, at the top next to “Host” you ...
折腾版不要再用u盘安..Remote PKG install 太香了,然后用网线连接电脑和主机。打开Remote PKG install电脑版和主机版,用电脑版安装游戏或者………游戏,平均35-60mb每秒根据你个人买的千兆
PS4 Xplore..最新的PS4 Xplorer V1.31 可以支持管理器内直接安装pkg,就算是插移动硬盘安装pkg也不用放根目录了,可以进文件夹选择安装,管理起来方便一点。然后我试了一下把一些补丁直接通过ftp放内
emulators, etc whenever afullPS5 Jailbreak Exploit(PS5Jailbreak Status) in thePS5Scenebecomes publicly available... or testingPS5 Backup Game File DumpsandPS4 FPKGs on PS5withPS5 Hackedconsoles using thePS5HEN 4.03 PS4 FPKG Enabler,PS5HEN 4.50 PS4 FPKG EnablerorPS5HEN 4.51 PS...
FTP Server on 2121 port BinLoader Server on 9090 port Klog Server on 3232 port CE-30391-6 Error CMOS Fix Integrated Cheat Menu Integrated FPS Counter Plugins support TitleId label feature Scanlines overlay Internal pkg installation support (/data/pkg) (Thanks to OSM) ⚠️ Warnings The Bin...
MAKE SURE TO WRITE pkg_merger CORRECT! Otherwise this app won't be able to see your splitted pkgs. To copy from usb to /pkg/merger, you should use ps4 xplorer 2.0 from homebrew store, nothing else worked for me, for example FTP simply does not allow you to move files from usb to ...
思路就是用电脑运行ftp客户端,在goldhen里面的server,打开ftp服务,然后就可以上传pkg到主机了。基本上10m/s,还是挺快的。不过这个办法有点技术难度,需要稍微仔细些。1. 电脑上需要安装ftp客户端软件,比如filezilla。2. 电脑和主机在一个局域网。3. 主机开启网络,并在goldhen里面的server,打开ftp服务。记下主机ftp服...
Like the integrated FTP Client will be another huge game changer! Just imagine doing ftp operations with one click, installing cheats like a breeze or download manage manipulate savegames... the opportunuties are kinda endless. But this will take another while of effort and support though...
[ ] Integrated FTP Client [ ] Context Menu on Processing Center [ ] Group PKG's by TitleID and Type (Base, Update, DLC) [ ] One click to install all Group based PKG (send all PKGs from TitleID X) How To So there you have it. How can you use it?