How to install PKG files over FTP/Network If you’re on a slow connection, I’d recommend you not do this one and deal with the USB drive method. You’re going to find that you hate this way of doing things because it’s a nightmare on a slow network. Package Sender 1.2 Load up...
1、PC端打开 PS4 remote pkg sender。 local IP 指的是PC的IP,cmd里ipconfig一下 或者网络--以太网--属性--ipv4那个就是。端口一般选个不被占用的端口就行了 默认的9999一般不会占用,不行就小小改下,改了要点changeport。ps4ip 填写ps4--设置--网络--查看连接状态--ip位址2、先PS4端运行那个PKG(如果...
PS4 Remote PKG Installer GUI forhttps://github.com/flatz/ps4_remote_pkg_installer Tired of copying PKG files to USB then walking over to your PS4 and manually installing them? PS4 Remote PKG Installer is here to help! Usage Install Remote PKG Installer on your PS4 by@flatzhttps://git...
PS4折腾版游戏6.72-9.0-11.0自选游戏pkg外接移动硬盘usb3.0 500g 2.5寸移动硬盘 安装版(ps4折腾版专用)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
2、下载了很多pkg格式的游戏,直接USB插进ps4里面吗? 冤种鉴定师 2-3 147 已折腾完毕,一些建议 忆之沙 成功率还是挺高的一次就成了 共4 张 ramonguo 2-3 7 这是我的掌机。猜我有几台主机? XAX*/XAX 过路山贼... 2-3 1 跪求刺客信条奥德赛金手指。。。 米兰圣西... 破解版怎么获得...
直接在电脑上将盘格式化为exFAT格式,拷入.pkg游戏于根目录,用正确的线连入PS4。虽然PS4存储盘没有识别外接硬盘,但是debug -- game --package installer里能识别!!!于是就可以直接安装游戏了,我设置游戏安装在机器主硬盘而不是外接盘里。这里需要说明的是:作为折腾的外接硬盘,有些可以被系统直接识别,有些不...
Please help guys, can't install any pkg big games, it gives me error like an error occurred what should i do. today i bought ps4 slim 5.07 firmware, only 2 games were installed PT and THE LAST GUARDIAN. teuira Senior Member Contributor Verified Aug 22, 2018 at 1:43 PM #103 @Za...
- Plug your USB drive/key to one of the USB ports of your PS4 - On your PS4, go to 'Settings', 'User's Guide' - Start one of the Mira/HEN exploits - Go to Debug Settings / Game / Package Installer - Install our .pkg and start the game ...