原位杂交技术In situ hybridization.ppt,光镜 非放射性原位杂交: 地高辛标记探针-碱性磷酸酶联结抗体检测 靶核酸 地高辛 标记探针 碱性磷酸酶 联结的抗地高辛抗体 抗体 标核酸的“标记物” 外加抗原 报告分子:AP 底物:NBT/BCIP 鼠肺纤维化模型: TGF-beta表达增多, 主要
荧光原位杂交实验FluorescenceInSituHybridization的讲义的资料.ppt,荧光原位杂交实验 luorescence In Situ Hybridization 原位杂交( In situ hybridization) 1)同位素原位杂交( Isotopic in situ hybridization) 70年代 2)非同位素原位杂交( Non-isotopic in situ hybridiz
原位杂交(insituhybridization,ISH)是将核酸分子杂交技术与组织化学或免疫组织化学技术结合起来,利用已知的核酸探针(probe)在组织细胞的原位显示某种特定基因的存在或其mRNA表达的技术。 基本原理: 磷酸与脱氧核糖以磷酸二酯键连成两条多核苷酸链 两条多核苷酸链借碱基之间的氢键连接。A、T之间有两条;G、C之间有3条 ...
DNAHybridization 一种用互补碱基配对的程度,一种用互补碱基配对的程度,来分析不同生物品种来源的两条或多条DNA链间同生物品种来源的两条或多条链间彼此关系密切程度的实验技术。彼此关系密切程度的实验技术。原位杂交InSituHybridization 一种在完整染色体内对特异性DNA片段片段一种在完整染色体内对特异性定位的技术。
(1)免疫酶联(2)荧光原位杂交(Fluorescenceinsituhybridization,FISH)**同位素原位杂交的不足之处:1)不稳定;2)高背景;3)曝光时间长;4)结果统计学处理繁琐。5)同位素的使用和处理 khk2 实验的基本原理:FISHisthedetectionofhighlyspecificDNAprobeswhichhavebeenhybridizedtoeitherinterphaseormetaphasechromosomes...
in situ hybridizationsubstance PThe present study examined the effects of ageing on preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A) mRNA levels in discrete regions of the rat brain. Semiquantitative analysis of silver grains revealed a 16% statistically significant decrease in PPT-A mRNA in the shell of the nucleus...
NOO O PCRinsituhybridizatiOn [11] 介绍及其 收稿日期 :2003-12-15 作者简介 : 庄金秋 (1978 ) 女 山东潍坊人 研究实习员 主要从事兽医病理学及猪用病毒疫苗的研究与开发工作 G 他综合文献报道 , 原位 PCR 的步骤包括标本处理 蛋白 酶消化 原位 PCR 扩增和扩增后产物的检测 <1D 标本处理 原位 PCR 的标...
The YB2/0 cell line was grown in EMS™ medium supplemented with 5% heat inactivated FCS for 72 hours prior cell fixation and in situ hybridization. Primary rat lymphocytes were isolated from rat blood following standard procedures. The probes used for the FISH analysis were designed and prepared...
1. Number of citations in the PubMed database for the keywords ‘?uorescence in situ hybridization’ by publication year. Widespread application of the technology was not reached until the introduction of easily accessed methods for probe preparation and detection. After this occurred, the ...
Verification of qRT-PCR results was done by in situ hybridization (ISH) of randomly selected two TF genes in shoot and root tissues of sorghum. Taken together, moisture stress triggered up-regulation of more genes in root tissue compared to shoot tissue in sorghum. Keywords Quantitative real-...