Dual-Indexed Workflow on a Paired-End Flow Cell4 Dual-Indexed Workflow on a Single-Read Flow Cell6 Sequencing Primers for HiSeq Systems8 Revision History9 Technical Assistance11 Document#15057455v03 ILLUMINA PROPRIETARY February2017 For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Index 2 (i5) sequences to generate up to 384 uniquely tagged libraries. Duringindexed sequencing, the index is sequenced in a separate read, calledthe Index Read, wherea new sequencing primer is annealed. When libraries are dual-indexed, the sequencing run includes 2 additional reads, ...
13、ct is removed andthe Index 1(i7) sequencing primer is annealedto thesame template strand, producing the Index 1 (i7)Read. 3IndexIndex 1 1 (i7)(i7) ReadReadFollowing Index Readpreparation, theIndex 1(i7)Read is performed. The readlength depends on thesystem andrun parameters. Document...
u Dual-indexedlibraries—Addsupto24unique8-baseIndex1(i7)sequencesandupto16unique8-base Index2(i5)sequencestogenerateupto384uniquelytaggedlibraries. Duringindexedsequencing,theindexissequencedinaseparateread,calledtheIndexRead,whereanew sequencingprimerisannealed.Whenlibrariesaredual-indexed,thesequencingrun...
我涂红色部分就是index序列的反向反义序列,每个index序列是不同的8个碱基,这个和Nextera的i7(部分一样,请自己对照)是一样的。i5 sequence: ATAC-seq的Adaptor1 里没有barcode i7 sequence:有两种Adaptors,分别为Adaptor1 (50bp) 和Adaptor2 (53bp)。其中Adaptor1(5’ illumina Primer1 ...
Tn5 Read 2 (包括ME)sequence: 5'- GTCTCGTGGGCTCGG(AGATGT,GTATAAGAGACAG )-3’ (34bp) 下面的图片就是准备ATAC-seq时候需要用到的index primer (adaptor),和Nextera DNA library prep kit里的有一点类似,但是也很不同。Ad1_noMX是Forward 引物,没有index (barcode),所以只有一个。Reversed引物有24个...
IlluminaAdapterSequences Document#1000000002694v002 October2015 Contents TruSightAmpliconPanels...5 Index1(i7)Adapters...5 Index2(i5)Adapter...
Tn5 Read 2 (包括ME)sequence: 5'- GTCTCGTGGGCTCGG(AGATGT,GTATAAGAGACAG )-3’ (34bp) 下面的图片就是准备ATAC-seq时候需要用到的index primer (adaptor),和Nextera DNA library prep kit里的有一点类似,但是也很不同。Ad1_noMX是Forward 引物,没有index (barcode),所以只有一个。Reversed引物有24个...
The dual index primer strategy utilizes two 8 base indices within each primer. Index 7 primers contain indices that are adjacent to the P7 sequence while index 5 primers contain indices that are adjacent to the P5 sequence. Dual indexing is enabled by adding a unique index to both ends of...
这个index序列是和Nextera一样的。我涂红色部分就是index序列的反向反义序列,每个index序列是不同的8个碱基,这个和Nextera的i7(部分一样,请自己对照)是一样的。i5 sequence: ATAC-seq的Adaptor1 里没有barcode,但我这里加上了 有两种Adaptors,分别为Adaptor1 (50bp) 和Adaptor2 (53bp)...