ISG)是一类在免疫应答中受干扰素(IFN)激活后表达的基因。IFN-刺激基因集(ISG-related gene set)是指与IFN-刺激基因有关的一组基因,这些基因在IFN信号通路中发挥重要作用,参与免疫调节、炎症反应、细胞凋亡等生物学过程。ISG-related gene set在研究IFN信号通路、免疫应答及相关疾病的发病机制方面具有重要价值。
6) IFN gene 干扰素基因 1. This article reviewed research progress of IFN gene NRAMP1 gene ETEC MHC gene which are candidate gene of disease resistance pig. 作者综述了干扰素基因、NRAMP1基因、肠毒素大肠杆菌、MHC基因等候选基因的研究进展,以期为抗病育种提供借鉴。 更多例句>> 补充资料:人成纤维...
Here, we identified a novel regulatory function of the ISG, IFN alpha inducible protein 27 (IFI27) in counteracting the innate immune responses triggered by cytoplasmic RNA recognition and binding. Our model systems included three unrelated viral infections caused by Influenza A ...
Imaizumi T;Yoshida H;Hayakari R;.Interferon-stimulated gene (ISG)60,as well as 1SG56 and ISG54,positively regulates TLR3/IFN-β/STAT1 axis in U373MG human astrocytoma cells.Neurosci Res.2016.35-41Imaizumi T, Yoshida H, Hayakari R, Xing F, Wang L, Matsumiya T, Tanji K, Kawaguchi S,...
In this study, we report that the ISG lymphocyte Ag 6 complex, locus E (LY6E) is a negative immune regulator of monocytes. LY6E in monocytes negatively modulated CD14 expression and subsequently dampened the responsiveness to LPS stimulation in vitro. In the setting of chronic HIV infection, ...
The HBV-encoded regulatory protein hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) stimulates HBV gene expression from the cccDNA template; however, the mechanism by which HBx facilitates HBV replication is not clear (Keasler et al., 2007). HBx is a 154-amino-acid protein with an N-terminal negative regul...
To generate a chicken ISG database we have compared data from three transcriptomic technology platforms: (i) the classical 3′-biased GeneChip Chicken Genome Array (32K; Affymetrix, High Wycombe, UK), (ii) the Chicken Gene 1.0 Sense Target (ST) whole transcriptome Array (Affymetrix) and (iii...
We used quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-qPCR) to validate the 138 ISG candidates. Two known ISGs, IFI6 and XAF1 (Schoggins et al., 2011), were used as positive controls. Because the gene expression patterns are different in different cell lines (Fig. 1), we analyzed the mRNA...
Interestingly, NS proteins of PVM lowered the levels of several ISG (IFN-stimulated gene) proteins as well. These results provide a molecular foundation for the mechanisms by which PVM efficiently subverts the IFN response of the murine cell. They also reveal that in spite of their high ...
The luciferase activity of CD95 gene was significantly reduced in the presence of miR-431-5p mimics compared to the negative control (miRNC) group (Fig. 4d). However, no difference in luciferase activity was observed when the binding sites were mutated (Fig. 4d), suggesting that miR-431-...