immortalized human microglial cell linelipopolysaccharideMicroglia are a major glial component of the central nervous system (CNS), play a critical role as resident immunocompetent and phagocytic cells in the CNS, and serve as scavenger cells in the event of infection, inflammation, trauma, ischemia,...
GFP稳定表达永生化人小胶质细胞-SV40细胞系/GFP Stably Expressing Immortalized Human Microglia -SV40 Cell Line 2 年前· 来自专栏 细胞/永生化细胞/原代细胞/耐药株 柚子哈关注SKU :T3961 Species :Human (H. sapiens) Species description :Human Tissue/Organ/Organ System :Brain Growth Properties :Adherent ...
In-Stock Tumor Cell Lines Human Orbital Fibroblasts Human Microglia Human Pulmonary Alveolar Epithelial Cells Human Colonic Fibroblasts Human Type II Alveolar Epithelial Cells Human Valvular Interstitial Cells Human Thyroid Epithelial Cells C57BL/6 Mouse Dermal Fibroblasts Human Alveolar Macrophages Human Derma...
An immortalized human cell line is provided which has the characteristics of human embryonic microglia. Such immortalized microglia cells express CD68, CD11c and MHC class I and II antigens as surface markers; have demonstrable phagocytic properties; and produce progeny continuously while maintained in ...
We have used electrophysiological and pharmacological methods to study a microglial cell line (C13-NJ) derived from the human CNS. In whole-cell patch clamp experiments we identified an inward current that exhibited biophysical hallmarks of a classical voltage-gated Na + channel. This identification ...
of inflammation do not correlate well with human genomic changes26 (i.e., molecular pathways and signaling functions differ between rodent and human microglia1), we investigated the effect of hAD-MSCs and their EVs, in a human microglia cell line (human microglia clone 3 (HMC3) cells)27,28...
Microglia cells (n = 235) (columns) are rank ordered by their relative expression of the activation program. The tumour of origin of each cell is colour-coded as indicated in the top row. c, PC2 and PC3 are associated with intermediate values of PC1. PC1 scores are shown along ...
(GO) enrichment analysis for 250 genes associated with most significant common peaks between iMG and pMG is depicted. ATAC-Seq was performed on iMG derived from C1-iPSC line. Abbreviations: UTR untranslated region; TSS transcription start site; kb kilobase; HMC3 human microglia cell line 3 ...
However, most of the experimental findings have been acquired in murine immune cells, and little is known about the metabolic reprogramming of human microglia. In this study, we investigate the transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolic profiles of mouse and iPSC-derived human microglia challenged with...
Although genetics highlights the role of microglia in Alzheimer’s disease, one-third of putative Alzheimer’s disease risk genes lack adequate mouse orthologs. Here we successfully engraft human microglia derived from embryonic stem cells in the mouse b