Another example is the topic of food. See how manynew food-related wordshave been added to the new HSK1: FOOD MEALS Example: New HSK 1 Drinks-Related Nouns The same goes for drinks. A lot of new drink-related words from other levels were added: DRINKS New HSK 1 Word List: PDF Downl...
后面 151.吧 206.觉得 68.名字 151.吧 206.觉得 68.名字 97.是 180.高 13.打电话 97.是 180.高 13.打电话 41.回 125.写 41.回 125.写 152.白 207.咖啡 69.明天 152.白 207.咖啡 69.明天 98.书 98.书 181.告诉 14.大 181.告诉 14.大 42.会 42.会 126.谢谢 126.谢谢 208.开始...
View HSK1-3pdf 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. HSK 1 Word list Personal Pronouns 我wǒI, me 我们wǒmenwe, us (pl.) 你nǐyou 你们nǐmenyou (pl.) 他tāhe, him 她tāshe, her 他们tāmenthey (male+female / male, pl.) ...
Talking about the 12 months of the year, Chinese is much easier, we just use the numbers 1 to 12 plus the word “yuè” to say them, “yuè” means “month”, so January (yīyuè), February (èryuè), March (sānyuè), April (sìyuè), May (wǔyuè), June (liùyuè), July (q...
PrevNew HSK 2 Word List New HSK 4 Word ListNext There are 2245 vocabulary words required in the new HSK 3.0 Level 3 (Band 3) – that’s 973 new words on top of the level 2 requirement. Download PDF NoChinesePinyinEnglish 1 爱心 àixīn love 2 安排 ānpái arrange 3 安装 ānzhuāng...
11/5/11 HSK Word List - Level 5 HSK Word List - Level 5 1 阿姨 āyí 2啊 3唉 4矮 5 6好 a āi ǎi ài àihào 7 8情 9惜 10 心 11 安静 12 安排 13 安全 14 安慰 15 安装 16 岸 17 暗 18 按 19 按照 20 八 21 把àihù àiqíng àixī àixīn ānjìng ānpái ānquán ...
You can download the Excel and PDF file of the complete HSK 5 list and quiz sheets below. Test 1 is Chinese-to-Pinyin/English, Test 2 is Pinyin-to-Chinese/English, and Test 3 is English-to-Pinyin/Chinese. Note: Unlike our previous HSK quiz sheets, which include full vocabulary, these...
(word完整版)对外汉语初中级(HSK4级)语言点整理 .pdf,(word完整版)对外汉语初中级(HSK4级)语言点整理 --第1页 对外汉语初中级 (HSK4 级)语言点 语法结构 (grammar frame): 1. ……(time)就要……了;快要……了 我明天就要回美国了。 我明天快要回美国了。* 2. 从……回到
HSK Vocabulary List contains the complete set of vocabulary for new HSK Level 1-6 exams. With English translation and clear spoken Chinese, it is an ideal application for Chinese learners studying for the HSK exams. Each Chinese word is provided with color pinyin, English translation, native spe...
PrevHSK 5 Vocabulary List There are 5000 Chinese words you need to learn to pass the HSK level 6 test. (2500 new words + 2500 HSK 5 words) Download PDF You can achieve HSK6 fluency faster through our extensive graded readers collection for HSK6. NoChinesePinyinEnglish 1 挨 ái Next to...