导入HSK全级别的词汇表:用excel即可,需要自己制作 对分出来的词确定HSK级别:用list进行比对即可 把对应的词加入到对应的级别列表 计算每个级别的词的个数 计算每个级别的词的占比:当前级别的词的个数 / 全部词的个数(去重) 输出结果 需要注意的是在进行第4步时,会有一些词在HSK词表里找不到,但其实属于某一...
导入Python的xlrd模块,进行excel的读取 读取excel的第一个工作表(sheet1) 读取该工作表的最大行数,后续的for循环需要用到 建立一个空的character_list,拆分的汉字就扔到这个list里 建立第一层的for循环,遍历每个词语,拆分成word_list 建立第二层的for循环,将每个词语的wordlist里的汉字,与character_list里的每一...
PartII, 5 items For each item, one or two sentences will be provided in which one word is missing. The test taker should select one of the words in the answer section to fill in the blank. PartIII, 5 items For each item, two sentences will be provided. The test taker should judge ...
Get HSK 3 word list PDF and Excel, downloadable quiz sheets, and essential study tips for the HSK level 3 test. Free Download!
- Click on the pinyin to have the Chinese word pronounced to you accurately - Support Export to CSV, Excel, PDF - Allow generate writing practice sheet - Allow generate flash cards - Colored pinyin based on tones - Covering all HSK Level 1-6 vocabulary ...
HSK 1 Audio Track H10902:https://youtu.be/Sr9qNIueTEs HSK 1 Audio Track H11003:https://youtu.be/82lcFM6hNQc HSK 1 Audio Track H11004:https://youtu.be/SpReTff9UBo HSK 1 Audio Track H11005:https://youtu.be/_L6LSAWHulM HSK 1 Audio Track H11329:https://youtu.be/lO7MOLAECPI ...
1 public university in the world. Over 40,000 students attend classes in 15 colleges and schools, offering over 300 degree programs. Established in 1868 as the University of California, it is the state’s first land-grant university and the first campus of the University of California system....
1)直接用手机拍照然后用OCR识别官方考纲上的词性标注,与标准词表进行一一对应 2)用Python调用jieba插件,进行词性标注 我用的是第二种方法,代码如下 #!usr/bin/env Python# coding = utf-8importjieba.possegasposimportxlrdimportxlwtinput_excel=xlrd.open_workbook('/Users/Arthur/learnPython/vocabulary/HSK5.xls...