Another example is the topic of food. See how manynew food-related wordshave been added to the new HSK1: FOOD MEALS Example: New HSK 1 Drinks-Related Nouns The same goes for drinks. A lot of new drink-related words from other levels were added: DRINKS New HSK 1 Word List: PDF Downl...
HSK Level 1 Vocabulary List (Downloadable) A handy, complete 150-word vocabulary list for HSK level 1. HSK Level 2 Vocabulary List (Downloadable) A complete 300-word vocabulary list for HSK level 2. HSK Level 3 Vocabulary List (Downloadable) A complete 600-word vocabulary list for HSK lev...
remove(item) print("===分词结果===") print(word_list) #dict_count = {"HSK1": 0, "HSK2": 0, "HSK3": 0, "HSK4": 0, "HSK5": 0, "HSK6": 0, "超纲词": 0} dict_words = {"HSK1": [], "HSK2": [], "HSK3": [], "HSK4": [], "HSK5": [], "HSK6": []...
Available in the first two levels 1 & 2. For the first two games/ quizzes, after the guess, there will appear two options – pressing the listening button to hear the real voice of pinyin/ pronunciation and you can remove the word from the favorites/ review list. For level 3 – 6...
HSK 1 Word list Personal Pronouns 我wǒI, me 我们wǒmenwe, us (pl.) 你nǐyou 你们nǐmenyou (pl.) 他tāhe, him 她tāshe, her 他们tāmenthey (male+female / male, pl.) 她们tāmenthey (females, pl.) Demonstrative Pron. 这(这儿)zhè ( zhèr)here, this ...
HSK 一级词汇 1.名词(63) 家 jiā 饭馆 fànguǎn 商店 shāngdiàn 医院 yīyuàn 火车站 huǒchēzhàn 中国 zhōngguó 北京 běijīng 上 shàng 下 xià 前面 qiánmiàn 后面 hòumiàn 里 lǐ 今天 jīntiān 明天 míngtiān 昨天 zuótiān 上午 shàngwǔ 中午 zhōngwǔ 下午 xiàwǔ 年 nián 月 yuè...
HSK_Level_1_(New_HSK) (ThisHSKLevel1listwasproducedbyLingomi.Definitionsprovidedb Order 123456879101112131415 HSKLevel-Order 1-11-21-31-41-5 Word 爱八爸爸杯子北京本不不客气菜茶吃出租车打电话大的 Pronunciation ai4ba1ba4ba5bei1zi5Bei3jing1ben3bu4bu4ke4qi5cai4cha2chi1chu1...
Word List - Level 5 to skim over; to browse six; 6 dragon; CL:條|条[tiáo]; imperial house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層| [céng],座[zuò],棟| [dòng] to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old) road; path; way; ...
读取excel的第一个工作表(sheet1) 读取该工作表的最大行数,后续的for循环需要用到 建立一个空的character_list,拆分的汉字就扔到这个list里 建立第一层的for循环,遍历每个词语,拆分成word_list 建立第二层的for循环,将每个词语的wordlist里的汉字,与character_list里的每一项做比较,如果不在其中,则将这个汉字加...