PrevHSK 5 Vocabulary List There are 5000 Chinese words you need to learn to pass the HSK level 6 test. (2500 new words + 2500 HSK 5 words) Download PDF You can achieve HSK6 fluency faster through our extensive graded readers collection for HSK6. NoChinesePinyinEnglish 1 挨 ái Next to...
usr/bin/env Python# coding = utf-8importxlrdimportxlwtinput_excel=xlrd.open_workbook('/Users/Arthur/learnPython/vocabulary/HSK5.xlsx')input_sheet_character=input_excel.sheets()[3]input_sheet_words=input_excel.sheets()[4]output_workbook=xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")output_worksheet=output_wor...
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All Chinese characters as mentioned in this list under HSK5 4 sets of flashcards for all 2500 characters, each set of flashcards 625 characters HSK 5 Word version HSK 5 PDF version HSK6 (ERK level C2, amount of words: 5000, Exam duration: 135 min) Listening.(Played once assignments). ...
11/5/11 HSK Word List - Level 5 HSK Word List - Level 5 1 阿姨 āyí 2啊 3唉 4矮 5 6好 a āi ǎi ài àihào 7 8情 9惜 10 心 11 安静 12 安排 13 安全 14 安慰 15 安装 16 岸 17 暗 18 按 19 按照 20 八 21 把àihù àiqíng àixī àixīn ānjìng ānpái ānquán ...
See what's changed in the New HSK 1 in 2021, download a PDF of the new HSK 1 Vocabulary Word List, and get a quick insight with our inforgaphic.
(word完整版)对外汉语初中级(HSK4级)语言点整理 .pdf,(word完整版)对外汉语初中级(HSK4级)语言点整理 --第1页 对外汉语初中级 (HSK4 级)语言点 语法结构 (grammar frame): 1. ……(time)就要……了;快要……了 我明天就要回美国了。 我明天快要回美国了。* 2. 从……回到
HSK Vocabulary List contains the complete set of vocabulary for new HSK Level 1-6 exams. With English translation and clear spoken Chinese, it is an ideal application for Chinese learners studying for the HSK exams. Each Chinese word is provided with color pinyin, English translation, native spe...
Get HSK 3 word list PDF and Excel, downloadable quiz sheets, and essential study tips for the HSK level 3 test. Free Download!
Download PDF NoChinesePinyinEnglish 1 爱心 àixīn love 2 安排 ānpái arrange 3 安装 ānzhuāng install 4 按 àn press; push; check; restrain 5 按照 ànzhào according to 6 把(介) bǎ (particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 7 把(量) bǎ (measure word) 8 把握 bǎ...