PrevNew HSK 2 Word List New HSK 4 Word ListNext There are 2245 vocabulary words required in the new HSK 3.0 Level 3 (Band 3) – that’s 973 new words on top of the level 2 requirement. Download PDF NoChinesePinyinEnglish 1 爱心 àixīn love 2 安排 ānpái arrange 3 安装 ānzhuāng...
HSK(三级)词汇列表(词性版)(可编辑修改word版)HSK Level 3 1.名词 Nouns (1.) Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!
Get HSK 3 word list PDF and Excel, downloadable quiz sheets, and essential study tips for the HSK level 3 test. Free Download!
HSK3-3 PDF Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. HSK 3 Words List ChinesePinyinEnglish 阿姨 āyí aunt 啊 a ah 矮 ǎi short 爱 ài love 爱好 àihào hobby 安静 ānjìng Be quiet 八 bā Eight 把 bǎ hold 爸爸 bàba Dad 吧 ba 白 bái ...
5, Download New HSK Vocabulary ListThe Ministry of Education in China have released the full word list for each level of the new HSK, with the exception of Level 7 onwards as this will be released in due courseYou can download Full NEW HSK Vocabulary List in PDF, there are 260 pages ...
好吃 3.爸爸 3.爸爸 41.回 79.苹果 117.下午 267.姓 41.回 79.苹果 117.下午 154.帮助 191.号 229.女人 267.姓 154.帮助 191.号 229.女人 4.杯子 4.杯子 42.会 42.会 80.七 230.旁边 80.七 118.下雨 155.报纸 192.黑 230.旁边 268.休息 118.下雨 155.报纸 192.黑 268.休息 43.火车...
New HSK 1 Word List: Vocabulary Analysis The new HSK1 has500 words. The old HSK1 only had 150 words. Good news:out of those 150 words,138 still appear in the new HSK! Bad news:there are362 other new wordscoming in from old HSK2, 3, 4, as well as some completely new. ...
11/5/11 HSK Word List - Level 5 HSK Word List - Level 5 1 阿姨 āyí 2啊 3唉 4矮 5 6好 a āi ǎi ài àihào 7 8情 9惜 10 心 11 安静 12 安排 13 安全 14 安慰 15 安装 16 岸 17 暗 18 按 19 按照 20 八 21 把àihù àiqíng àixī àixīn ānjìng ānpái ānquán ...
(word完整版)对外汉语初中级(HSK4级)语言点整理 .pdf,(word完整版)对外汉语初中级(HSK4级)语言点整理 --第1页 对外汉语初中级 (HSK4 级)语言点 语法结构 (grammar frame): 1. ……(time)就要……了;快要……了 我明天就要回美国了。 我明天快要回美国了。* 2. 从……回到
HSK3 VocabularyThis HSK3 Vocabulary includes all HSK 3 Chinese characters, Pinyin, English explanation. This HSK3 Chinese characters list is a complete vocabulary of all the words you need to master and is of the most important learning tools to learn the language, such as the radicals, charac...