Try and go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. If you're looking to improve your nightly routine to sleep well then try our Sleep with Ease progamme. A free 7-day step by step guide to getting a better night's sleep, including helpful tips from our herbal experts, ...
Sleep is REALLY IMPORTANT. Whether you’retrying to lucid dreamor not, it’s just a major part of our lives. Without sleep, we die. Literally. No I’m serious, when you deprive yourself of sleep you actually become ill, anxious, go insane and eventually die. It’s important to make s...
You need a safe haven. A serene retreat. A sleep inducing environment where you recharge for all the things you do in your waking life. A space designed with one purpose, to let you get the best sleep you can get. Everything in it should respect your need to rest. Toss the rest. Y...
From evening rituals to reducing your alcohol intake, here are four simple steps that will help you achieve the perfect night’s sleep. 1. Watch what (and when) you eat Eating late at night should be avoided as your metabolism naturally slows down and your insulin resistance increases. ...
How was your sleep last night?World Sleep Day fell on March 17 this year.The theme was"sleep is important for health".How can we have healthy sleep? (1)Wake up naturally. Waking up to an alarm is never fun.When you get"shocked"by the alarm,your breathing will go up from 16 to 24...
to sleep, you may see that the nights you did not sleep well actually led to better nights subsequently. This is because the drive to sleep has had time to build up and naturally put you to sleep. Adenosine is an important sleep-ind...
in the morning to help you wake up. Though the body produces melatonin naturally, it can also be taken in supplement form. It’s safe to use at high altitude and can help people overcome jet lag. Studies showed that melatonin can improve both the time to fall asleep and total sleep. ...
The sleep-wake cycle of our body is regulated by a hormone called melatonin. During the night, our body naturally produces this chemical to help with sleep. Staying in too much light, especially during the night time decreases the melatonin levels and makes you feel alert. ...
Discover effective tips and strategies on how to fall asleep earlier. Improve your sleep routine and overall well-being with practical guidance.
下文“Production of melatonin is stopped by light — so levels naturally fall as daylight approaches, getting you ready to greet the day.(因此随着日光的接近,褪黑激素的水平会自然下降,让你做好迎接新的一天的准备)”提到了日光会让褪黑素水平下降,这说明夜晚会让褪黑素水平上升,从而起到调节睡眠的作用...