Oculus rift offers SDKs to integrate Rift in different software like Unity, Unreal Engine. In this blog I would be concentrating on integrating Oculus Rift SDK 0.4.4 with in Unity. We are going to discuss Oculus Rift SDK 0.4.4 using DK2 device with: 960 x 1080 HD resolution per eye. 7...
Hi everyone! I have one question about the Vive Tracker. Currently, I would like to detect the posture of the user when running while wearing the HMD. I would like to use the Vive Tracker to detect the user's movements. Since the HTC Vive ProEye is too h
I had at this point a way to put furniture in my real environment, but I still needed the AI analysis.I decided to use OpenAI to do itbecause it’s the GenAI framework I have the most experience with. There is already a plugin that lets you invoke OpenAI from Unity (you can find i...
Additional options include the Unity and Unreal engines, among others. 5) Physical Space Layout First thing to look at is the physical space layout of your room. A few questions to consider: Is your space better suited for 3D projection onto one or multiple walls, or for a VR headset...
centralized project can build client applications for AR and VR headsets and Windows or Linux dedicated server applications. The term “dedicated server” is used throughout this blog to refer to the server in theclient-server model, specifically the headless builds of the client Unity application....
Clone the project using:git clone https://github.com/oculus-samples/Unity-Phanto Recommended Unity version - 2022.3.20f1. Using the project's scenes After opening the project, you will find three main scenes and nine example scenes:
Fun fact: in the beginning it wasn’t theoretically possible to use Oculus with Unity free, and you needed to buy Unity Pro. But I found somehow thata Japanese guy had developed a plugin called OVRAgent that was able to let you use the Rift DK2 with Unity free. God bless the Japanese...
1)Facebook的Oculus 系列VR頭顯設備:持續豐富生態,包括收購機器視覺公司Scape、VR 遊戲開發商Sanzaru、AR 地圖數據公司Mapillary、VR變焦頭顯技術廠商Lemnis等。在操作系統和軟件層面持續迭代,生態也較為完善,擁有線上商城等配套設施。 2)微軟的Hololens:面向企業客戶,不受線纜束縛的獨立全息設備,採用符合人體工程學的設...
How To 545 How To South Korea Oculus Japan 545 How to build and run OpenXR applications in Unity The Ghost Howls JULY 14, 2022 Let me tell you what I discovered in this process, in particular, how to build using OpenXR, and how to run the OpenXR applications on your PC. How to buil...
注意:如果收到有关清单合并失败的生成错误,请遵循适当的说明进行操作:https://developers.google.com/ar/develop/unity/android-11-build 安装其他 XR 插件(ARKit、Oculus 等) 其他平台的设置可能类似于 ARCore 的设置,但尚未经过测试。 如果你有权访问此类设备并有机会试用这些设备,任何反馈对社区都是有帮助的,并且...