To develop VR experiences for Oculus Rift, you will need to install Unity, a powerful game development platform, and the Oculus Integration assets. These assets provide the necessary tools and functionality to create immersive VR applications. Follow these steps to get started: Download Unity:Visit ...
In Unity can you set the actual grid walls of Oculus' guardian visible? When I use OVRBoundary.SetVisible(true), only a flat outline of the guardian's area appears on the ground. But I would like to set the gridded walls of the boundary visible. ...
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的12 学习Oculus裂谷的工作原理(12 Learning how the Oculus Rift works), 本站编号36642912, 该Unity3D素材大小为14m, 时长为06分 33秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Malasorti, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。
5) Import OculusUnityIntegrationTuscanyDemo.Unitypackage To-Do: Select Assets >> Import Package >> Custom Package >> Select OculusUnityIntegrationTuscanyDemo.Unitypackage >> Click Open Now open VRDemo_Tuscany.Unity scene from Assets >> Tuscany >> Scenes folder 6) Set your game view on Rift De...
Hi everyone! I have one question about the Vive Tracker. Currently, I would like to detect the posture of the user when running while wearing the HMD. I would like to use the Vive Tracker to detect the user's movements. Since the HTC Vive ProEye is too h
MeshNavigation.unity: demonstrates how to use the mesh for ground navigation, with and without additional bounding box information on the furniture (acquired using manual capture of the room elements). SceneVisualization: a debug scene that presents the mesh and the furniture bounding box, if availa...
When the build has finished, you have a folder with your Android project.Launch Android Studio and open with it the Folder that has just been exported by Unity.Android Studio will unveil to you the Android project of your Unity game. If a popup asks you if you want to upgrade Gradle, ...
git clone All of the actual project files are in Assets/PerformanceSettings. This folder includes all scripts and assets to run the sample, excluding those that are part of plugins. This project uses the Meta XR Platform SDK, Meta...
Unity made it to manage a multiplatform launch, it’s still vitally important to decide on platforms early in a project and to test iterations early and often. “It’s hard to keep within strict performance guidelines, but you can’t skip them. They have to be a top priority,” he ...
If you are getting errors that the ZED plugin cannot find required files, it’s likely that either your Unity plugin version doesn’t match the ZED SDK plugin, or that something went wrong when you installed the ZED SDK or CUDA. To test the first, check the versions of the SDK and you...