一. 下载并安装Unity(以及Android Plugin) 1.1安装免费的Unity 2018.1个人版(点击前往) 1.2 安装时请确保添加Android Build支持 二. 下载并安装Android Studio(点击前往) 三. 获取Oculus Core Utilities for Unity(点击前往) 四. Android开发软件设置 4.1 打开Android Studio 4.2 点击欢迎屏幕右下角的“Configure”,...
一. 下载并安装Unity(以及Android Plugin) 1.1安装免费的Unity 2018.1个人版(点击前往) 1.2 安装时请确保添加Android Build支持 二. 下载并安装Android Studio(点击前往) 三. 获取Oculus Core Utilities for Unity(点击前往) 四. Android开发软件设置 4.1 打开Android Studio 4.2 点击欢迎屏幕右下角的“Configure”,...
8.对于Unity 5以上的开发,笔者使用的是最新的32位Unity 5.4.0 f3,对应的SDK下载地址为:https://developer3.oculus.com/downloads/game-engines/1.7.0/Oculus_Utilities_for_Unity_5/ ①之后同样将压缩包里的UnityPackage导入场景,以预设体中的相机来代替场景相机。 ②最最重要的一步:从Unity 5.1开始,直接提供...
Oculus Utilities for Unity. Contribute to xwovr/com.oculus.unity.oculusvr development by creating an account on GitHub.
、下载最新的Oculus runtime 0.8或更高版本(https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/ )四、在项目中启用对VR的支持,只需要在Unity菜单中选...。 5、Oculus Unity Utilities 作为补充,你也可以下载Oculus官方提供的Oculus Unity Utilities(https://developer.oculus.com oculus rift调整分辨率 ://developer.oculus...
- VR - This folder contains the Oculus VR utilities, a set of scripts and prefabs to enable VR development. Please seeOculus Utilities for Unityfor more information. Minimal Unity Version- The minimum supported Unity version for Oculus app development is 2021.3 LTS. ...
com.oculus.unity.oculusvrcom.oculus.unity.oculusvrPublic Oculus Utilities for Unity C# metal-spatial-renderingmetal-spatial-renderingPublic Forked frommetal-by-example/metal-spatial-rendering A minimal example of rendering a fully immersive spatial experience with Metal, ARKit, and visionOS Compositing ...
Step 4. Create a Unity Project Launch Oculus Home (if it isn’t already running) Launch Unity3D On the launch wizard press [New+] and create a new 3D project (make sure 3D is hilighted in pink): (Optional) if you want to use the Oculus Utilities for Unity, then click [Asset packa...
Oculus Rift DK2 _ Unity3d Tutorial_ Basic game in under 7 Minutes 上传者:dilly123 06:18 VR FPS Player Controller for Unity 5 using Oculus Utilities 上传者:dilly123 20:51 SketchUp to Unity to Oculus Rift DK2 - The Entire Workflow and Tutorial 上传者:dilly123 30:57 Revit to Unity to Ocu...
Those actions can be used just as is with the Oculus Utilities for Unity. No 3rd party asset required.I haven't yet made any specific actions for the Easy Input asset, but will look at working on those soon. It proves a lot more difficult since Easy Input inherits from some other ...