Thehighdielectricconstantischaracteristicofhydrogen bondedliquids. 高介电常数具有氢键液体的特征。 3. Theadditionofsolventwithhighdielectric-constantwould retardcatecholtert-butylation. 反应体系中加入高介电常数的溶剂不利于邻苯二酚的叔丁基化。
high dielectric constant 高介电常数;高介电;高介电常数的 The high dielectric constant is characteristic of hydrogenbonded liquids.高介电常数具有氢键液体的特征.很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O ...
provides excellent high temperature dielectric strength. 金属护套缆线能够保护热电偶避免受到氧化和恶劣环境影响,并且其 矿物绝缘材料具有优异的高温绝 缘性能。 Due to their stable dielectric constant, Kyocera’s ceramic components help facilitate the miniaturization of resonators...
The method provided by the invention is applied to the high-dielectric-constant low-dielectric-loss polyvinylidene fluoride-based composite film.翁凌鞠培海刘立柱张笑瑞
1. Introduction The search for high dielectric constant (high-k) gate dielectric materials for ?eld-effect transistor-enabled (FET) applications has stimulated important research activities in both conventional and unconventional electronics. Although it is not the focus of this Review Article, high-k...
tin compounds/ high-dielectric-constant filmqubit spacingelectron-spin quantum computerA variant of electron-spin quantum computer is discussed in which a film of high dielectric constant is used to provide interaction between qubits situated in silicon. Requirements to be satisfied by such a structure...
Methods of forming front-end-of the line (FEOL) capacitors such as polysilicon-polysilicon capacitors and metal-insulator-silicon capacitors are provided that are capable of incorporating a high-dielectric constant (k of greater than about 8) into the capacitor structure. The inventive methods ...
A structure for, and method of forming, an oxygen diffusion resistant electrode for high-dielectric-constant materials is disclosed. The electrode comprises a single grain of an oxygen stable material over a barrier layer. The single crystal oxygen stable layer is generally substantially impervious to...
摘要: In the design of high-frequency (or fast-impulse) capacitors required to hold off high voltages, one can use high-dielectric-constant materials (e.g., certain ceramics). This paper considers some of the high-frequency problems of such capacitors and techniques to mitigate them....
K. Y., High-Dielectric Constant Side-Chain Polymers Show Reduced Non- Geminate Recombination in Heterojunction Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 2014, 4, (10), n/a-n/a.N. Cho, C. W. Schlenker, K. M. Knesting, P. Koelsch, H.-L. Yip, D. S. Ginger and A. K. Y. Jen, ...