Thehighdielectricconstantischaracteristicofhydrogen bondedliquids. 高介电常数具有氢键液体的特征。 3. Theadditionofsolventwithhighdielectric-constantwould retardcatecholtert-butylation. 反应体系中加入高介电常数的溶剂不利于邻苯二酚的叔丁基化。
1. Introduction The search for high dielectric constant (high-k) gate dielectric materials for ?eld-effect transistor-enabled (FET) applications has stimulated important research activities in both conventional and unconventional electronics. Although it is not the focus of this Review Article, high-k...
A dielectric constant as high as 155 and equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) as low as 0.5 nm were determined from the capacitance-voltage measurements for the TiO(2) films grown above 275 degrees C. A leakage current density of 10(-3) A/cm(2) at 1 V bias voltage was obtained for the ...
High dielectric constant Ta/sub 2/O/sub 5/ capacitors intended for dynamic random access memory applications are investigated. Capacitors with a Au/Ta/sub 2/O/sub 5//Pt/Ti structure on silicon wafer are fabricated. The Ta/sub 2/O/sub 5/ thin film is deposited by rf magnetron sputtering...
dielectric constant in graphene materials:在石墨烯材料的介电常数 热度: Bull.Mater.Sci.,Vol.31,No.1,February2008,pp.55–59.©IndianAcademyofSciences. 55 PreparationofhighdielectricconstantthinfilmsofCaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 by sol–gel DEEPAMMAURYA,DEVENDRAPSINGH,DCAGRAWAL*andYNMOHAPATRA ...
Diamond (C) high-frequency dielectric constantdoi:10.1007/10551045_193SemiconductorsGroup IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds. Part a - Lattice PropertiesSummary This document is part of Subvolume A1a 'Group IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds. Part a - Lattice Properties' of Volume ...
Using the microwave curing technique, MWCNTs cannot only be uniformly dispersed in the matrix, but also align in a direction, this unique structure of MWCNTs allows the development of novel composites with a very higher dielectric constant and extremely low dielectric loss. This investigation suggests...
Specifically, their intrinsic dielectric constants (ε') are calculated by impedance spectroscopy from the values of the obtained bulk capacitances. For CaMnO, that does not show charge-order, the measured intrinsic dielectric constant is 14. The Pr doping induces charge-order in the system, and...
A dielectric layer (16) is formed between the electrodes. Preferably, the dielectric layer is a dielectric constant of more than 25 and a suitable line volume displacement comprising silicon on. Example of the proposed embodiments using the following material systems: hf<Sub>u</Sub>Ti<Sub>v</...
We designed dielectric gels, a new type of polymer-based dielectric material. By using solvents with high dielectric constants, the gels achieve a unique combination of ultra-high dielectric constant, low elastic modulus, and excellent transparency, whic