provides excellent high temperature dielectric strength. 金属护套缆线能够保护热电偶避免受到氧化和恶劣环境影响,并且其 矿物绝缘材料具有优异的高温绝 缘性能。 Due to their stable dielectric constant, Kyocera’s ceramic components help facilitate the miniaturization of resonators...
high dielectric constant 高介电常数;高介电;高介电常数的 The high dielectric constant is characteristic of hydrogenbonded liquids.高介电常数具有氢键液体的特征.很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O ...
Thehighdielectricconstantischaracteristicofhydrogen bondedliquids. 高介电常数具有氢键液体的特征。 3. Theadditionofsolventwithhighdielectric-constantwould retardcatecholtert-butylation. 反应体系中加入高介电常数的溶剂不利于邻苯二酚的叔丁基化。
Specifically, their intrinsic dielectric constants (ε') are calculated by impedance spectroscopy from the values of the obtained bulk capacitances. For CaMnO, that does not show charge-order, the measured intrinsic dielectric constant is 14. The Pr doping induces charge-order in the system, and...
1. Introduction The search for high dielectric constant (high-k) gate dielectric materials for ?eld-effect transistor-enabled (FET) applications has stimulated important research activities in both conventional and unconventional electronics. Although it is not the focus of this Review Article, high-k...
摘要: In the design of high-frequency (or fast-impulse) capacitors required to hold off high voltages, one can use high-dielectric-constant materials (e.g., certain ceramics). This paper considers some of the high-frequency problems of such capacitors and techniques to mitigate them....
Dielectric of high dielectric constantVEITH HANS DR.
To our knowledge, this is the first report on a polymer with such a high dielectric constant of 7.5 and sufficiently low loss (below 1%) to be used in capacitors. The results demonstrated here, which can be applied to many existing dipolar polymers, pave the way for a very low cost ...
PURPOSE: To obtain a laminate having a high dielectric constant, a low tangent of the loss angle, and good cutting properties and dimensional stability. CONSTITUTION: A prepreg is obtained by loading 80-250 pts.wt. inorganic powder having a dielectric constant of 10 or more per 100 pts.wt....
Polymer dielectrics having high dielectric constant, high temperature capability, and low loss are attractive for a broad range of applications such as film capacitors, gate dielectrics, artificial muscles, and electrocaloric cooling. Unfortunately, it is generally observed that higher polarization or diele...