英文名称 HIF-1 Signaling Pathway Compound Library 产品介绍 描述及优势 •443种HIF-1信号通路化合物的独特集合,用于高通量筛选(HTS)和高内涵筛选(HCS) •靶点包括HIF,HDAC,PI3K,MAPK,VHL等 •用于探索细胞氧感应的机制 •某些化合物已被FDA批准 •结构多样,具有药用活性且可渗透细胞 详细信息 配制...
443种HIF-1信号通路化合物的集合,可用于细胞氧感知相关研究。 规格 预溶于DMSO或水 100uL/well 询价获取超大折扣 全国免费电话:400-668-6834 | Email:info@selleck.cn 您可以选择: 特定分子选择 规格 分子所置板上位置 粉末或DMSO溶液 客户使用该化合物库发表的文献286篇: ...
1 promotes the expression of hundreds of genes involved in cell autonomous and non-autonomous adaptations to hypoxia. Examples of genes and their functions are found in the diagram. HIF-α can be upregulated at the protein level via mTOR or at the mRNA level via STAT3 and NF-κB signaling....
We reviewed the role of transcription factors HIF-1α and its signaling pathway in the occurrence of disease , and introduced to the relationship among HIF-1α and growth, development, inflammation and tumor , then carryed out the prospect, in order to better be used in biomedical.%缺氧诱导...
Hypoxia inducible factor-1 α (HIF-1α) is the key responser adapted to tumor hypoxia. Under hypoxia conditions, HIF-1α signaling is activated and responsible for cell biology associated with metabolism, inflammation, vascular homeostasis and tumorigenesis. Activation of HIF-1α signaling has been...
内容提示: 令其他研究| QITAYAN 』 U运动干预抗癌机制: HIF - la 信号通路调控作用的研究进展The Mechanism of Anticancer Action of Exercise Intervention : the Research Progress on the Regulatory Role of HIF - la Signaling Pathway孔健达 , 穆玉晶 , 朱磊 Kong Jianda , Mu Yujing,Zhu Lei摘 要:近年...
Hypoxia Signaling Pathway 缺氧信号通路 动物细胞对氧气的感知和反应是一个非常重要的过程,而缺氧(Hypoxia)是指一种细胞氧气消耗和血管氧气输送失衡,所数的细胞内氧气含量和压力低于正常水平的生理情况,其产生的原因包括低氧血症,氧输送受损和细胞氧吸收受损等等。无论是全身性还是细胞水平上的缺氧,机体都可以利用多种...
(KEGG) pathway enrichment, which identified a transferrin receptor (TFRC)-involved HIF-1 signaling pathway (p < 0.05). Clinical data analysis showed that high TFRC expression in cervical cancers was associated with incrementally advanced stage, tumor status, and lymph nodes (allp-values <0.05...
关键词:SIJ~∞睁1;缺氧诱导因子一l;血管内皮生长因子;HEK293细胞 中图分类号:Q74;R392.11文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-2353(2010)13-0032-05 ofSUMO-1in activatedHIF一1/VEGF Role hypoxia signalingpathway XUE Qing-yel,HANye2,GUOLian-he2,WANGJu一,YUZhi-yong‘, WANG Jenl,SHENWei-gan2 (1.1Ⅻ2...