用SCREEN_TEXUTE实现一个简单的屏幕滤镜。 效果图 简单滤镜 代码如下 shader_type canvas_item;voidfragment(){vec4 pixel=textureLod(SCREEN_TEXTURE,SCREEN_UV,0);COLOR.rgb=vec3((pixel.r+pixel.g+pixel.b)/3.0);} 获取屏幕截图纹理使用SCREEN_TEXTURE内置属性。 屏幕UV坐标SCREEN_UV。 texture函数是直接读取...
vec3 color = mix(screen_color * depth_color,depth_color * 0.25, depth_blend_power * 0.5); 我们便得到如下的视频结果: 水体渲染--边缘渲染 首先我们在上文已经通过视角空间的Z坐标获得了我们的深度: float depth_texture = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE,SCREEN_UV).r; vec3 ndc = vec3(SCREEN_UV * 2.0 ...
SCREEN_TEXTURE 内建纹理 voidfragment(){}COLOR=textureLod(SCREEN_TEXTURE,SCREEN_UV,0.0);} 一个不可见的对象,因为它只是显示了背后的东西。 对其后面的对象进行亮点饱和度处理 uniform float brightness=.5;uniform float contrast=.5;uniform float saturation=.5;voidfragment(){vec3 c=textureLod(SCREEN_TEXT...
Incorporating the availability of screen and depth textures for the GLES3 backend[14] SCREEN_TEXTURE和DEPTH_TEXTURE的gles3实现 Improve documentation of int[15] 就是加加减减的文档 More i18n improvements[16] 更多可翻译的部分 Fix typos and inconsistencies in classref[17] timothyqiu大哥又改bug了,他...
(samples)) * sigma * 2.0; // 获取样本颜色 vec4 sample_color = TEXTURE(SCREEN_TEXTURE, sample_uv); // 计算高斯权重 float weight = exp(-(float(x) * float(x) + float(y) * float(y)) / (2.0 * sigma * sigma)); // 累加样本颜色和权重 blurred_color += sample_color * weight; ...
Grizzlizz 小吧主 11 用一个sprite或者color rect做蒙版,向screen texture采样,shader里面写上每个像素的颜色取邻近所有像素的混色。 Grizzlizz 小吧主 11 【如何在godot中制作时间暂停-场景变黑白色技能!-哔哩哔哩】 网页链接 原初的欲求nice GDScript 7 你用shader的话想要什么样的模糊你可以定 登录...
shader_type canvas_item;uniformsampler2Dscreen_texture:hint_screen_texture, repeat_enable;voidfragment() {vec2uv=SCREEN_UV; uv-=vec2(0.5); uv*=2.0; uv+=vec2(0.5);vec4tex=textureLod(screen_texture, uv,0); tex.a=1.0; COLOR=tex*COLOR; ...
var image :Image = get_viewport().get_texture().get_data();image.flip_y();image.save_png(path);我的可以截屏啊。代码写在根节点的脚本文件里面 长流啊长流 项目流程 2 GODOT4.1var viewportTexture = get_viewport().get_texture()var image = Image.new()image = DisplayServer.screen_get_imag...
thescreen_texture(I mean how could it? It hasn't been drawn yet) which is why it is covered by the second ColorRect that only contains the content present when the first was drawn. Creating a copy of the screen is a rather slow-process so it isn't done automatically (excluding the ...