Window 10 - Godot Engine v4.3.stable.steam - Compatibility renderer Issue description When the screen resolution is changed, the shader that use hint_screen_texture will turn black, this radioactively happen to all shader that used hint_screen_texture even when they're not in the scene yet I...
When writing a custom material shader for a CanvasGroup, it's not possible to access texels outside of the screen. Trying to do so results in reading edge-clamped data, because the screen texture is mapped to the screen rather than the calculated area of the CanvasGroup's children. The m...
|width|*|height|*4 bytes in size and represents a BGRA image with an //! upper-left origin. This method is only called when //! CefWindowInfo::shared_texture_enabled is set to false. // --- virtual void OnPaint(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, CefRenderHandler::PaintElementType type, ...
Godot 3.4 Virtual Keyboard and Daisywheel A virtual on-screen keyboard supporting gamepad and mouse-based input as well as a daisywheel supporting gamepad input. Installation Copyaddons/keyboard_daisyinto your project (final path should beres://addons/keyboard_daisy). In the Godot Editor, go to...
Godot version: commit 15ee6b7 OS/device including version: MacOSX High Sierra, Android Issue description:How to scroll via ScrollContainer. It doesnt scroll in android or touch screen or via dragging Steps to reproduce: Add Scrol...
"vram_texture": false } [deps] source_file="res://Assets/Misc/cai.png" dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/cai.png-6aa1d5d657b8ac9f4de2b04a5c044d4b.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map...