if prevpoint != null: draw_line(prevpoint, p, Color(1,1,1),5) prevpoint = p; #^^set the prevpoint for the next loop else: prevpoint = p; #check if the loop has reached the last point, #then draw a line from the last point to the first point (points[0] if i == points...
# Check whether a session has expired or is close to expiry if session.expired: # Attempt to refresh the existing session. session = yield(client.session_refresh_async(session), "completed) if session.is_exception(): # Couldn't refresh the session so reauthenticate. session = yield(client...
Today I've stumbled upon problem with inspector. I wanted to check if my dictionary of 10 arrays of 16'000 elements (~11MB json file) loaded correctly - aand (in the end it turns out) loading data works fine, but when setting up breakpoint and checking if it worked I got < null ...
=null:draw_line(prevpoint,p,Color(1,1,1),5)prevpoint=p;#^^set the prevpoint for the next loopelse:prevpoint=p;#check if the loop has reached the last point,#then draw a line from the last point to the first point (points[0]ifi==points.size():draw_line(p,pointArray[0],...
- name: Checkout @@ -104,6 +114,13 @@ jobs: sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get install -qqq build-essential pkg-config - name: Web dependencies if: ${{ matrix.platform == 'web' }} uses: mymindstorm/setup-emsdk@v12 with: version: ${{env.EM_VERSION}} actions-cache-folder:...
func _checkTransitions(controller : StateController) -> void: for transition in transitions: var decisionSucceeded : bool = transition.decision.decide(controller) if decisionSucceeded: var trueState = transition.trueState if trueState == null: # 如果置空则动态加载一次 ...
Changed: checkResultSteamID() changed argument name to match Changed: getItemsWithPrices() return dictionary name Changed: getAppID() now returns uint32_t Changed: getFavoriteGames() to have more distinct port names in return dictionary Changed: some returned types and argument types to better ma...
="String"# Constants 常量constANSWER=42constTHE_NAME="Charly"# Enums 枚举enum{UNIT_NEUTRAL,UNIT_ENEMY,UNIT_ALLY}enumNamed{THING_1,THING_2,ANOTHER_THING=-1}# Functions 函数funcsome_function(param1,param2,param3):constlocal_const=5ifparam1<local_const:print(param1)elifparam2>5:print(param...
[GodotQ&A] Check if script of a node has variable 36. 为什么游戏总是会对手柄输入进行响应,即使窗口已经失去焦点?有什么办法能控制是否屏蔽这种行为么? 取决于OS的处理,通常OS总是会把手柄响应发给程序,而键盘输入则不同。 如下方法可以获知焦点状况。
func check(f:Callable)->UInput:_checkfunc=fiff.call(text):normal()else:error()returnself func bind_value(r:Reactive)->UInput:textv(r.value)bind_text_changed(func(nt):r.value=nt)returnself signal _value_changed func _on_value_changed(newv):if_checkfunc.call(newv):normal()_value_chan...