应用领域:Cre工具鼠,Glp1r-IRES-Cre小鼠与含有loxP侧翼序列的小鼠交配时,Cre介导的重组将导致后代表达Cre细胞中floxed 序列的缺失。GLP1R 是存在于许多细胞类型上的受体,包括胰腺 β 细胞、中枢神经系统中的神经元亚群,也投射到胃肠道。 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Glp1r-IRES-Cre mice (Cat. NO. NM-KI-20...
GLP1R: The first Glp1rCre mice were produced by inserting an iCre flanked by 5’ and 3’ Glp1r gene sequences into a murine-based bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), followed by pronuclear injection of BAC-DNA and random integration into the genome. These mice express Cre-recombinase und...
a, Representative image and quantification of viral expression (EGFP) in Glp1r-expessing neurons ofGlp1r-ires-Cremice (RNAin situhybridization).b, Representative images of Glp1r expression (RNAin situhybridization) in the DVC, ARC, and NG of control mice or mice with GLP1R neuron ablation in...
a, Representative image and quantification of viral expression (EGFP) in Glp1r-expessing neurons of Glp1r-ires-Cre mice (RNA in situ hybridization). b, Representative images of Glp1r expression (RNA in situ hybridization) in the DVC, ARC, and NG of control mice or mice with GLP1R neuron...
GCG基因在胰腺、小肠和大脑的表达均受同一个启动子的调控,从相同的转录起始密码子开始启动。在α-细胞中,TATA盒以及相邻的G1和G4元件是Gcg表达所必需的最小启动子,而G5、G2、G3和CRE元件则代表位于更远端的增强子区域[11-14] (图2) 。 图2 胰岛中前胰高糖素原的组织选择性加工示意图 ...
PDAC onset and progression were investigated in wild type syngeneic mice receiving into pancreata pre-neoplastic lesion-derived organoids from PanIN-bearing Pdx1-Cre; Kras+/LSL−G12D; Trp53+/LSL−R172H (KPC) mice, which well recapitulate human PDAC pathogenesis [56] and the stepwise progres...
每组1~2只小鼠胰岛)的均数和扫描电镜(SEM)。D-F。将GLP1R-cre/rosa26-yfp小鼠胰腺切片与α-平滑肌肌动蛋 白(α)、细胞角蛋白(CK)联合免疫组化染色。E中的标记区域在F中以较高的放大率显示。研究3: GCGR-?/?小鼠α细胞 表达GLP-1R。CD-1小鼠胰岛GLP1-r(A)和胰高血糖素(B)的A-C免疫组织化学观察。
在这些细胞中,GLP-1R的活化引起腺苷酸环化酶的活化,该酶的活化又诱导由cAMP应答元件(CRE)驱动的报告基因的表达。步骤12(图2)提供了其中报告基因为萤光素酶的数据。体外的实验数据共同表明融合蛋白质能够结合并活化GLP-1R,并且在体外表现比GLP-1-Gly8(7-37)0H更有效。步骤13 (图3)提供对禁食并腹腔注射本发明...
比较单次皮下注射试验药物司美格鲁肽注射液(规格:1.5mL:1mg)与对照药物司美格鲁肽注射液(商品名:Wegovy®,规格:1.5mL:1mg)后在中国健康成人受试者体内的药代动力学特征和安全性。 开始日期- 申办/合作机构 苏州特瑞药业股份有限公司 CTR20244777 /Not yet recruiting临床3期 ...
3A)32, we first focused on the replacement of amino acid residues on the C-terminus of the peptides, and evaluated the biological activity of these peptide hybrids by Cre-Luc assay with Exendin-424 (a peptide agonist of GLP-1R that promotes insulin secretion, EC50 = 0.2 nmol/L Table 1,...