Course HoloLens Immersive headsets MR Basics 100: Getting started with Unity ✔️ ✔️PrerequisitesA Windows 10 PC configured with the correct tools installed.Chapter 1 - Create a New ProjectTo build an app with Unity, you first need to create a project. This project is organized into ...
1.打开Unity——2.选择 New——3.输入项目名称(例如Holograms)——4.选择文件保存地址——5.选择3D ——6.点击Create project 章节2 设置相机 新生成的场景中已经有一个主摄像机,我们需要对它进行一些调整以适应Hololens的应用开发。 首先,如果您将用户的起始位置设置为(X:0,Y:0,Z:0),则更易于布局您的应...
第一步,安装Vuforia for Unity SDK 查看How To Install the Vuforia Unity Extension 第二步 启用Vuforia HoloLens示例项目 See:Working with the HoloLens sample in Unity 第三步 配置项目以使用Vuforia应用 使用Vuforia为HoloLens开发应用的体验和在其他平台上的体验类似。你只需要简单地在Vuforia的ARCamera和场景摄...
播放视频 30:56 剧集 HoloLens 2 和 Unity 入门 混合现实 2020年5月25日 了解设置 Unity 和为 HoloLens 2 进行构建的基础知识。 此演示文稿将介绍 HoloLens 2 的最佳做法、基本功能,以及如何快速添加手部跟踪支持和与本机 Unity API 交互。想提供反馈? 在此处提交问题。
LINK: Tutorials/Training Holographic 101 Unity Training (Building Blocks: Game Development) h...
(Optional) A HoloLens 2 device configured for development Unity Hub with Unity 2021.3 or later installed and the Universal Windows Platform Build Support module added Complete the previous modules Mixed Reality Feature Tool Basic familiarity with Unity - interface, scene creation, package import, addit...
Quantum Computing has always been intriguing and it took me a lot of research to realize how important it was for the future.The purpose of this blog is, not only about finding out more on Quantum Computing, but also about learning on how you can get started with using Liquid to develop...
Skip to main content Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio Visual Studio Home Developer Tools Visual Studio 2022 Overview Features Editions Extensions Get Started Service Status FAQ Support Documentation Blog Visual Studio Code Overview ...
To get started, you’ll need to add an audio spatializer plugin to your Unity project. I recommend including theMicrosoft Spatializer. This has the added benefit of offloading all spatial audio processing to dedicated hardware on the HoloLens 2, freeing up more CPU for your applicati...
In this post, you will learn how to get started building a platform game for HoloLens using all free assets. In doing so, you will learn the basics of usingSpatial Mappingto scan a room so your player character can interact with it. You will also use the slightly more advanced features...