You won't be able to run all the features that you'll use in this tutorial series inside the Unity editor. Therefore, you need to be familiar with deploying the application to your HoloLens 2 device or emulator.Tip For a reminder on how to build and deploy your ...
This tutorial is designed for developers who have basic experience with Unity and C#. Please also be aware that the prerequisites and written instructions within this document represent what has been tested and verified at the time of writing (May 2018). You are free to use the latest software...
本教學課程將示範如何使用 Azure Spatial Anchors 建立新的 HoloLens Unity 應用程式。必要條件若要完成本教學課程,請確定您具有下列項目︰計算機 - 執行 Windows 的電腦 Visual Studio Visual Studio 2019隨 通用 Windows 平台 開發工作負載和 Windows 10 SDK(10.0.18362.0 或更新版本)...
MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.GettingStarted.3.0.0.unitypackage 上传者:hemiaoyuan1989时间:2024-11-21 hololens.rar VS+unity实现混合现实源码,HoloLens上面可以对物体进行点击,移动等效果 上传者:Flameyjh时间:2020-04-10 MRTK2.5.rar hololens的unity开发包 ...
This tutorial is designed for developers who have basic experience with Unity and C#. Please also be aware that the prerequisites and written instructions within this document represent what has been tested and verified at the time of writing (May 2018). You are free to use the latest software...
如果你已经成功安装 SDK,那么请前往 Unity tutorial 开始你的第一个Hololens app 开发。 硬件要求 为了开发 Hololens,,你的电脑需要满足如下配置 64位Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education系统(家庭版不支持Hyper-V) 64位CPU 8G或更多内存 在BOIS中,以下特性必须被支持和启用: ...
MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.GettingStarted. 上传者:Devil_MayCare时间:2020-06-02 混合现实HoloLens2设计开发指南.pdf HoloLens 2 提供最舒适的沉浸式混合现实体验,其行业领先的解决方案可以在数分钟内让用户感受到它的价值。 这一切由 Microsoft 推出的云和 AI 服务所特有的可靠性、安全性和可...
如果你已经成功安装 SDK,那么请前往 Unity tutorial 开始你的第一个Hololens app 开发。 硬件要求 为了开发Hololens,,你的电脑需要满足如下配置 64位Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education系统(家庭版不支持Hyper-V) 64位CPU 8G或更多内存 在BOIS中,以下特性必须被支持和启用: ...
Hololens Tutorial - Change material on Gaze (Unity3D / Holotoolkit)Hololens Tutorial Series Building...
Of course, working from the Unity editor alone you wouldn’t know. If you’d like to try to build and deploy your project at this stage, you can jump ahead to Section 6 of the tutorial and fire away (you can do this as many times as you like througho...