Genomic DNA Isolation from Tissue Samples and Library Prep for Tuba-Seq Barcode AnalysisThis protocol should be used in preparation from tumor barcode sequencing (Tuba-seq) with a goal of directly quantifying the tumor sizes within tissues. This protocol could also be used to quantify cells from ...
Figure 2. DNA isolated from human blood fol- lowing the Nucleon protocol kit and using the Thermo Scientific refrigerated microcentri- fuge. DNA was separated on a 1 % agarose gel. Lane 1 contains l x Hind III molecular weight markers, lanes 2-7 contain samples. Results Evaluation of DNA ...
Bovine Genomic DNA High molecular weight, high purity DNA for any application Genomic DNAs are highly purified preparations of high molecular weight genomic DNA from a variety of organisms. The isolation protocol minimizes shearing and removes contaminants that inhibit enzymatic procedures. Novagen genomic...
An Efficient Genomic DNA Extraction Protocol for Molecular Analysis in Annona reticulataA. reticulataDiatomiteCTABPVPDNA extractionGenetic analysis of plant relies on high yields of pure DNA samples. DNA isolation is difficult in woody plants because of presence of polysaccharides, tannins, alkaloids, ...
This kit is designed for the rapid preparation of genomic DNA from various tissue samples, cultured cells, viruses, bodily fluids and swabs using a rapid spin column protocol. Purified DNA is of an excellent yield and quality, and is immediately ready for any downstream application including PCR...
Protocol for isolation of genomic DNA from dry and fresh roots of medicinal plants suitable for RAPD and restriction digestion A simple and efficient protocol for isolating genomic DNA from fresh and dry roots of medicinal plants was developed. It involves a modified CTAB procedure... S Khan,MI...
DNA isolationLeaf agePlantTung treeProtocolVernicia fordiiTung tree (Vernicia fordii) is a native and oil-producing woody plant in China. The oil is industrially important and promising biodiesel raw material. However, until recently the lack of effective protocols for the extraction of genomic DNA ...
The present study thus optimizes the rapid easy but effective protocol of DNA isolation using FTA cards and PCR Program of amplification of the BRCA1 gene. This work concludes that the methodology used in this study is sufficiently good to analyze a large number of samples. 展开 ...
Mouse Genomic DNA High molecular weight, high purity DNA for any application Genomic DNAs are highly purified preparations of high molecular weight genomic DNA from a variety of organisms. The isolation protocol minimizes shearing and removes contaminants that inhibit enzymatic procedures. Novagen geno...
Very recently, in a genetic transformation protocol of E. gracilis mediated by Agrobacterium, GUS gene (reporter gene) was silenced in the presence of hygromycin-resistant gene (selective marker gene). The FMDV 2A polypeptide was used to combine GUS gene with resistance marker gene, which ...