3.Filter bam using “Filter BAM” datasets on a variety of attributes (Galaxy Version 2.4.1): (quality >=30, Properlypairedreads yes, remove Mitochondria reads (!(chrM)). This step will generate the BAM file. 4. Remove PCR duplicates using Markduplicates tool. (check the ATACseq galaxy t...
1-4 个样本的灵活上样设计,解决长久以来单细胞测序成本浪费的问题。系统兼容转录组、TCR/BCR、ATAC、CUT&Tag 等文库构建,同时匹配市面上如 T7、GenoLab M、NovaSeq 等主流测序平台,全方位解决肿瘤学及精准医学中单细胞测序从文库制备到测序过程的烦恼! 大会期间,达普生物还受邀出席了 8 月 12 日的“单细胞测序...
README ATAC-pipe Analysis pipeline for ATAC-seq Data Please see Manual_for_ATAC-pipe.pdf ATAC-pipe-Galaxy Before run this pipeline, Please copy /home/icshape/seq/picard/picard.jar to the ATAC-pipe folder Users could see the example data in /home/zuozuqi/ATAC-pipe/exphg19About...
atactk_trim_adapters augustus bamhash barcode_collapse bcftools bedtools bigwig_to_bedgraph bioimaging biomodelsML bionano biopython bismark blobtoolkit blockbuster canu cellpose cellprofiler cellprofiler_v4 chatgpt chipseeker circexplorer combine_metaphlan_humann compare_humann2_output cpat crt deseq2...
atactk_trim_adapters augustus bamhash barcode_collapse bcftools bedtools bigwig_to_bedgraph bioimaging biomodelsML bionano biopython bismark blobtoolkit blockbuster canu cellpose cellprofiler cellprofiler_v4 chipseeker circexplorer combine_metaphlan_humann compare_humann2_output cpat crt deseq2 diamond diff...