the processing of food can become compromised as it is contaminated by direct contact with physical, chemical, and biological contaminants. In recent years, the development of novel food packaging (modified atmosphere & active packaging) has not only increased the shelf life of foods...
Directly related, and interlinked, with food packaging is the concept of shelf life - the length of time that foods, beverages, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, and many other perishable items are given before they are considered unsuitable for sale, use, or consumption. Food Packaging and Shelf...
Published by Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety. 主要研究方向:农林科学-FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY食品科技 FOOD PACKAGING AND SHELF LIFE《食品包装及保质期》 国际标准刊号:ISSN 2214-2894;EISSN 2214-2894 核心类别:SCIE(2022版), 目次收录(超星), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, 投稿网址:editorial...
Recently, there has been a great deal of interest in implementing new nanotechnology-based approaches to improve the quality of food products. One of the relevant applications in this field is the use of nanoemulsions in the food packaging industry. In this research, the role of nanoemulsions in...
The words “plant-based” have become overused to the point of being___, and Miracle Rice, a new type of rice product, with its pink packaging and lower-case typeface(字体)looks like it was part of the beautiful___in the Museum of the Unnecessary. “We’ve made white rice healthy...
For food processors, barrier packaging and shelf life extension remain a priority. Our history of packaging page helps to highlight changes in packaging historically. What is the importance of food packaging? Food packaging is critical for conveying the correct information, protecting the product, ...
Simultaneously, the food packaging industry is making rapid progress in developing smart packaging technologies that extend the shelf life and freshness of perishable foods. Among the alternatives, plant-based packaging materials are gaining prominence because of their high environmental, health, and ...
《Food Logistics》 Chapter 3 Food packaging Contents Summary Packaging materials Packaging technology Packaging design Packaging standard law S1 Summary 1. Origins of packaging Early Packaging There has always been some kind of packaging. When Stone Age man killed a wild animal and carried it home ...
This study reviews recent advancements in food science and technology, analyzing their impact on the development of intelligent food packaging within the c
ZnO Nanostructures in Active Antibacterial Food Packaging: Preparation Methods, Antimicrobial Mechanisms, Safety Issues, Future Prospects, and Challenges Insoo Kim, Karthika Viswanathan, Gopinath Kasi, Sarinthip Thanakkasaranee, Kambiz Sadeghi & Jongchul Seo Pages 537-565 | Published online: 09 ...