Focused Ion Beam System (FIB/FIB-SEM) Lineup Focused Ion and Electron Beam System Ethos NX5000 The Hitachi Ethos FIB-SEM incorporates the latest-generation FE-SEM with superb beam brightness and stability. Ethos delivers high-resolution imaging at low voltages combined with ion optics for ...
Focused Ion Beam System (FIB/FIB-SEM) Lineup Focused Ion and Electron Beam System Ethos NX5000 The Hitachi Ethos FIB-SEM incorporates the latest-generation FE-SEM with superb beam brightness and stability. Ethos delivers high-resolution imaging at low voltages combined with ion optics for ...
FIB SEM instruments for automated structural analysis, TEM sample preparation, and nano-prototyping. Contact us Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy Scientists and engineers in both academia and industry are constantly facing new challenges that require highly localized characterization of a wide ...
FIB离子源技术 我们今天使用的聚焦离子束(Focused ion beam,FIB)仪器的技术起源于外太空,更确切地说,是应用离子束推进航天器。在太空中,只有通过喷射物质(即所谓的reaction mass)才能产生推力。除了基于燃烧的化学推进器外,离子推进器已成为高精度运动的重要工具。 备注:在物理学和工程学中,"reaction mass"(反应物质...
DualBeam仪器系列包括多款FIB-SEM聚焦离子束扫描电子显微镜(双束电镜)产品,适用于自动结构分析、TEM 样品制备以及纳米原型设计。联系我们Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy 学术界和工业界的科学家和工程师不断面临着需要对各种样品和材料进行高度局部表征的新挑战。提高这些材料质量的持续动力意味着常常需要...
CollagenFIB-SEMMineralized boneThe mineralized collagen fibril is the basic building block of bone, and hence is the key to understanding bone structure and function. Here we report imaging of mineralized pig bone samples in 3D using the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) ...
Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB SEM) instruments for automated structural analysis, TEM sample preparation, and nanoprototyping.
聚焦离子束技术(FocusedIon beam,FIB)是利用电透镜将离子束聚焦成非常小尺寸的离子束轰击材料表面,实现材料的剥离、沉积、注入、切割和改性。随着纳米科技的发展,纳米尺度制造业发展迅速,而纳米加工就是纳米制造业的核心部分,纳米加工的代表性方法就是聚焦离子束。近年来发展起来的聚焦离子束技术(FIB)利用高强度聚焦离子...
FIB的应用Focused Ion Beam 聚焦离子束显微镜 (Focused Ion Beam, FIB) 聚焦离子束显微镜是运用镓 (Ga) 金属来做为离子源。因为镓的熔点为 29.76°C,且在此时的蒸气压为«10-13 Torr,所以很适合在真空下操作。在…
FIB SEM instruments for automated structural analysis, TEM sample preparation, and nano-prototyping. Contact us Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy Scientists and engineers in both academia and industry are constantly facing new challenges that require highly localized characterization of a wide ...