FMVSS 210-2016 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 845 Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT §571.210 [44 FR 72139, Dec. 13, 1979] E DITORIAL N OTE : For F EDERAL R EGISTER citations affecting §571.209, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section...
FMVSS 210安全带总成安装固定点 联邦机动车安全标准 FMVSS 210 安全带总成安装固定点 S1 目的和范围 本标准对汽车安全带的安装固定点进行了规定,以保证其有恰当的定位从而对乘员提供有效的限制,并且减小其失效的可能。S2 适用范围 该标准适用于轿车、多用途乘客车、卡车以及客车。S3 定义 安全带固定点,不包括传递...
USA/Federal: 49 CFR 571.210 (FMVSS 210) Restraint systems: Safety belts, anchorages Page: 2 Daimler AG Issue: 2012-04-16 (bd-hkl) S1. Purpose and scope. This standard establishes requirements for seat belt assembly anchorages to insure their ...
FMVSS 210 安全带索 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–01 Edition)§571.210 FR 17994, Apr. 15, 1994; 61 FR 20171, May 6, 1996; 63 FR 28936, May 27, 1998; 63 FR 51003, Sept. 24, 1998; 64 FR 27206, May 19, 1999]§571.210Standard No. 210; Seat belt assembly anchorages.S1. Purpose ...
Applicability: Trucks & MPVs 10,000 GVWR or LessYes Trucks More than 10,000 GVWRYes Buses 10,000 GVWR or LessYes Buses More than 10,000 GVWRYes TrailersNo Read the Complete Standard
§571.210StandardNo.210;Seatbelt assemblyanchorages. S1.Purposeandscope.Thisstandard establishesrequirementsforseatbelt assemblyanchoragestoinsuretheir properlocationforeffectiveoccupant restraintandtoreducethelikelihood oftheirfailure. S2.Application.Thisstandardapplies topassengercars,multipurposepas- sengervehicles,...
美国!FMVSS 210 座椅安全带总成固定点
Part210 - 安全带组件锚固 事故后标准: Part301 - 燃油系统完整性 Part302 - 内饰材料的可燃性 Part303 - 压缩天然气车辆的燃油系统完整性 Part304 - 压缩天然气燃料容器完整性 Part500 - 低速车辆 其他相关法规: Part 531 - 乘用车平均燃油经济标准 ...
Part210 - 安全带组件锚固 事故后标准: Part301 - 燃油系统完整性 Part302 - 内饰材料的可燃性 Part303 - 压缩天然气车辆的燃油系统完整性 Part304 - 压缩天然气燃料容器完整性 Part500 - 低速车辆 其他相关法规: Part 531 - 乘用车平均燃油经济标准 ...