210; Seat belt assembly to comply with this assembly anchorages. requirement, those anchorages shall S1. Purpose and scope. This standard consist of, at a minimum, holes thread- establishes requirements for seat belt ed to accept bolts that comply with assembly anchorages to insure their (f)...
210; Seat belt assembly anchorages. S1. Purpose and scope. This standard establishes requirements for seat belt assembly anchorages to insure their proper location for effective occupant restraint and to r... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:10 | 浏览次数:143 | 上传日期:2018-01-10 10:43:50 | 文档...
FMVSS 210安全带总成安装固定点.pdf 热度: 座椅、安全带固定点强度试验台 热度: 688 49CFRCh.V(10–1–06Edition)§571.210 whichitisinstalledinthevehicleandmeas- urewebbingpayout. (B)*** (2)Theretractordrum’scentralaxisisori- entedatanglesof45,90,135,and180degrees ...
FMVSS 210安全带总成安装固定点.pdf EN 934-2 2009+A1 2012 Final Draft ETSI EN 300 220-2 V2.4.1 (2012-01) 2011-10-04 BSCI Audit Guidelines version 2013 EN final BS EN 14587-3-2012 Flash Butt Welding BS EN 12390-1-2012 硬化混凝土试验 第1部分:试件和模具的形状、尺寸和其它要求.pdf BS...
FMVSS 210 安全带索 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–01 Edition)§571.210 FR 17994, Apr. 15, 1994; 61 FR 20171, May 6, 1996; 63 FR 28936, May 27, 1998; 63 FR 51003, Sept. 24, 1998; 64 FR 27206, May 19, 1999]§571.210Standard No. 210; Seat belt assembly anchorages.S1. Purpose ...
Daimler AG Issue: 2012-04-16 (bd-hkl) USA/Federal: 49 CFR 571.210 (FMVSS 210) Restraint systems: Safety belts, anchorages Page: 4 (b) Lap belt portion of either a Type 2 or automatic seat belt assembly, if such seat belt assembly is equipped with a detachable upper torso belt. S...
美国汽车安全技术法规FMVSS体系.pdf,美国汽车安全技术法规(FMVSS )体系结构及法规项目名称 美国汽车安全法规项目分类 法规数 法规名称 量 主动 控制器和显示器 2 FMVSS 101 控制器和显示器 安全 FMVSS 123 摩托车的控制器和显示器 (共 风挡玻璃 2 FMVSS 103 风窗玻璃除霜
3、FMVSS 118动力操纵车窗系统被动 安全(共计23 项)安全带与约束系统(含安全带固定点)4FMVSS 209座椅安全带总成FMVSS 210座椅安全带总成固定点FMVSS 213儿童约束系统FMVSS 225儿童约束系统固定点座椅及头枕3FMVSS 202 头枕FMVSS 207座椅系统FMVSS 222学童客车乘员座椅和碰撞保护碰撞驾驶员对转向系统的碰撞保 护及转...
序号法规名称页码范围 1.FMVSS 101 控制器和显⽰器 233~243 2.FMVSS 102 变速器换挡杆顺序, 起动机互锁机构和变速器制动效能 243~244 3.FMVSS 103风窗玻璃除霜和除雾系统 244~245 4.FMVSS 104风窗玻璃刮⽔和洗涤系统 245~247 5.FMVSS 105液压制动系统 247~267 6.FMVSS 106制动软管 267~299 7.FMVSS ...