FMVSS 206-2016 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 708 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–16 Edition) §571.206 [70 FR 39966, July 12, 2005, as amended at 77 FR 763, Jan. 6, 2012] §571.206 Standard No. 206; Door locks and door retention components. S1. Scope and Purpose. This standard specifies ...
This Standard applies to buses with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs. (4,536 kg.) or less and to all MPVs and trucks regardless of GVWR. It specifies requirements for side and back door locks and door retention components, including latches, hinges, and other supporting means, to minimize the like...
FMVSS 206安全标准的设计和试验要求一级和二级锁定位置,且未开启时必须可以承受横向和纵向负荷力及惯性力。 某些TriMark产品符合FMVSS 206,且在TriMark的目录和出版物上进行了标识。根据SAE J839的负荷要求,这些产品已全面测试。此外,TriMark或车辆厂商必须进行全面的门系统分析,并保证以下项目符合要求:门锁具的所有组件...
This Standard applies to buses with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs. (4,536 kg.) or less and to all MPVs and trucks regardless of GVWR. It specifies requirements for side and back door locks and door retention components, including latches, hinges, and other supporting means, to minimize the like...
免费查询更多fmvss 206门锁耐惯性力详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
根据FMVSS 206的标准,车辆的门锁系统必须能够有效地防止车门在车辆行驶过程中意外打开。这项标准旨在保障驾驶员和乘客的安全,防止意外事故的发生。
《FMVSS 206 车门锁及车门固定组件》配套试验台、汽车门锁试验台、车门配套试验台 一、概述 车门耐久试验台主要用于各类轿车、SUV、皮卡及MPV等车型;进行侧门、侧滑门、前面罩、各类型车的门铰链、限位器、门锁、车门密封条等总成的综合耐久试验。通过试验,检查汽车侧门和侧滑门、前面罩等部件的功能质量等。
(FMVSS 206) Doors, locks and retention systems Page: 2 ©Daimler AG Issue: 2012-04-03 (Tbd-hkl) S1. Scope and Purpose This standard specifies requirements for vehicle door locks and door retention compo- nents including latches, hinges, and other supporting means, to minimize the likeliho...
- FMVSS 206 Differences in ECE R11.02 Comments A. Application1. Vehicles a. Passenger Cars - Side doors, door locks, latches and hinges - Side doors, latches and hinges on M1 and N1 passenger cars (< 9 seats and < 3.5 tonnes (~7,000 lb)) - Back doors, door locks, latches and...
206; Door locks and door retention component Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 571.206 [70 FR 39966, July 12, 2005] § 571.206 Standard No. 206; Door locks and door retention components. S1. Purpose and Scope. This standard specifies requirements for door locks and door ...