unity3d GameObject.Find 严格区分大小写的 GameObject.Find 查找 static functionFind(name: string) : GameObject Description描述 Finds a game object by name and returns it. If no game object with name can be found, null is returned. If name contains a '/' character it will traverse the hierarch...
using UnityEngine; public class Example :MonoBehaviour{ // Create a material from code void Start() { // Create a material with transparent diffuse shaderMaterialmaterial = newMaterial(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse")); material.color =Color.green; ...
最后就是name中用于对层级进行描述的特殊符号’/’,在GameObject的name中其实也可以有这个符号,那查找带有这个符号的name时,由于Find的行为只会把’/’符号解释为分割符而非名字的一部分,所以这种情况是无法查找的,只能返回null了。 1.2 Transform.Find publicTransformFind(stringn); Transform类下公有函数,Unity文档...
Find a game object by name: In[1]:= Out[1]= Get the position of the game object: In[2]:= Out[2]= Find all game objects in the open scene: In[1]:= Scope(9) Applications(2) 按以下格式引用:Wolfram Research (2017),FindUnityGameObject,Wolfram 语言函数,https://reference.wolfram.com...
FindUnityAsset[…,n] finds at mostnassets. 更多信息 范例 打开所有单元 基本范例(3) Load the UnityLink: Open a Unity project: Find an asset by name: In[1]:= Out[1]= Find an asset from a file path: In[1]:= Out[1]= Scope(4) ...
开发者ID:partial-pi,项目名称:pi.unity.spriteskeletondemo,代码行数:32,代码来源:SpriteSkeletonSkinAsset.cs //////Merges the skin defined by the given skeleton with the current skin (much like a union).///publicvoidMerge(GameObject skeletonRoot){ Assert.NotNull( skeleton...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other Sample.FindByPackage public static IEnumerable<Sample> FindByPackage (string packageName, string packageVersion); パラメーター packageName The name of the package. packageVersion The version of the package. 戻り値 IEnumerable<Sample> Returns a list of found ...
unity Transform Find 的用法!!! 用法: Transform Find(String name) 1.查找名为name的(transform.gameObject)直接子物体并返回该子物体的Transform属性。不能是孙子物体或更低辈分的子物体。 2.可以在name中使用字符'\' 遍历整个路径。其中路径的根必须是transform.gameObject的直接子物体,不能是孙子物体或更低辈分...
unity3d.com Version: 2023.2 语言: 中文 脚本API UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity OtherShaderGUI.FindProperty protected static MaterialProperty FindProperty (string propertyName, MaterialProperty[] properties); protected static MaterialProperty FindProperty (string propertyName, MaterialProperty[] properties, ...
GDT Solutions for Unity Unity 6000.0.28f1 Here you will find different examples and solutions to use in your Unity projects Solution #1 - Basic first person controller Video Solution #2 - Load scene by name when pressing a button Video (a little old) Solution #3 - Detect object inside a ...