UMyComponent* MyComp = MyActor->FindComponentByClass<UMyComponent>();Copy full snippet 蓝图 查找GameObjects / Actors // Find GameObject by name GameObject MyGO = GameObject.Find("MyNamedGameObject"); // Find Objects by type MyComponent[] Components = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MyComponent)...
"Drag Image1");varaltElement2=altUnityDriver.FindObject(By.NAME,"Drop Box1");altUnityDriver.Swipe(newAltUnityVector2(altElement1.x,altElement1.y),newAltUnityVector2(altElement2.x,altElement2.y),1);altElement1=altUnityDriver.FindObject(By.NAME,"Drag Image2");altElement2=altUnityDriver....
Generic; namespace SPGF.Tools { public static class FindUnusedAssets { [MenuItem("Tools/Find Unused Assets (UI)", false, 100)] static private void RunUI() { var artsPath = Path.Combine(Utils.GetArtsPath(), "Canvases"); Run( "t:Texture t:Animation t:Animator", new string[] { ...
// 获取btn按钮下cd的sprite UISprite cd_sprite = btn.transform.Find(sprite_name).GetComponent<UISprite>(); cd_sprite.fillAmount = time_left / cd_time; // 按钮下的cd时间sprite UISprite sprite = btn.transform.Find("Sprite").GetComponent<UISprite>(); // 处理剩余时间,显示对应的sprite if (...
Note: You need to install the 2D Sprite package in order to use the Sprite Editor. For information about how to find and install packages in the Unity Package Manager, see Finding packages and Installing from the registry. sRGB (Color Texture) Enable this property to specify that the Texture...
FindPassTagValueSearches for the tag specified by tagName on the shader's active SubShader and returns the value of the tag. FindPropertyIndexFinds the index of a shader property by its name. FindSubshaderTagValueSearches for the tag specified by tagName on the SubShader specified by subshaderInde...
if( == m_img.spriteName) { return; } //准备对象和材质球 if(m_uiAtlas == null) { Material mat; Shader shader = Shader.Find(“Unlit / Transparent Colored”); mat = new Material(shader); m_uiAtlas = this.gameObject.AddComponent(); ...
IEnumerator doLoadByWWW(String path) { WWW w = new WWW(path); yield return w; if (w.isDone) { Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(w.texture, new Rect(0, 0, w.texture.width, w.texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); GameObject.Find("Canvas/Image").GetComponent<Image>().sprite ...
另外,这个函数的性能消耗是要比Find()函数小的。 注意:查找函数找不到对象是都会返回null 游戏组件 游戏组件用于确定GameObejct的外观,行为。Unity 引擎提供了许多默认的组件,如Transform,Sprite Renderer,Animator等等,包括使用C#编写的脚本,也是以组件的形式被调用的。
using SaintsField; // auto find on the target object [SerializeField, ColorToggle] private Color _onColor; [SerializeField, ColorToggle] private Color _offColor; [Space] // by name [SerializeField] private Image _image; [SerializeField, ColorToggle(nameof(_image))] private Color _onColor2; ...