Godot version: 3.0.3; also latest daily build (downloaded 2018-06-29)Issue description: I am using draw_line function to draw a line (doing so in draw() function and calling update() in _process(delta) function). However, the line draws with incorrect width at times. It also scales i...
Cloud Studio代码运行 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;namespace _3D_01{publicclassGame1:Game{privateGraphicsDeviceManager graphics;privateBasicEffect effect;privateVertexPositionColor[]vertices;// the trianglepublicGame1(){graphics=newGra...
artgamedevpaintspritespixel-artpixelanimationgraphicsspritesheetgame-developmentsprite-animationdrawgodotenginegodotgodot-enginegdscriptpixel-editorpixelartpixel-art-makerpixelorama UpdatedMar 13, 2025 GDScript jvalen/pixel-art-react Star5.5k Pixel art animation and drawing web app powered by React ...
分享回复赞 godot吧 虎式搬运工 关于用draw画线,被其它图层覆盖的问题用draw方法画的线被tilemap的图块盖住了 无图块与有团块对比gif draw方法的说明,没有设定图层的地方 void draw_line(from: Vector2, to: Vector2, color: Color, width: float = 1.0, antialiased: bool = false) Draws a line from ...
Edit Note: For Godot 3.X there are also some plugins:Primitives2D, using AntialiasedRegularPolygon2D from theAntialiased Line2D plugin. Personally I think the best solution would be just to add actual specific 2D primitive shapes to the MeshInstance2D node and remove all these 3D shapes which...
imgui_freetype: Added support for plutosvg to render OpenType SVG fon… Oct 17, 2024 .editorconfig Internals: clarified that GetInputTextState(0) can not return a point… Jul 5, 2022 .gitattributes Add .gitattributes with rules for line endings of files. Nov 4, 2019 .gitignore Ignore .in...
The positional command line argument now considers .res and .tres files as runnable scene formats. This fixes Godot not running the main scene or a custom scene if they were saved with a .res or .tres extension. macOS/Linux: Fix the result of Directory.get_space_left(). Windows: Godot...
ggez-egui for the ggez game framework. godot-egui for godot-rust. nannou_egui for nannou. notan_egui for notan. screen-13-egui for Screen 13. smithay-egui for smithay.Missing an integration for the thing you're working on? Create one, it's easy!Writing your own egui integrationYou...
do_wait(_Cnd_internal_imp_t * cond, _Mtx_internal_imp_t * mtx, const xtime * target) Line 62 C++ [Inline Frame] godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!std::condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &) Line 601 C++ [Inline Frame] godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!Semaphore::...