近日,该课题组在Cancer Discovery杂志上发表了题为GTP signaling links metabolism, DNA repair, and responses to genotoxic stress的研究论文,进一步揭示了GTP 信号传导通路与DNA损伤修复及对基因毒性应激反应的相关性。 在这项研究中,该...
A low activity of DNA repair genes makes tumor cells more sensitive to therapy, but on the other hand, non-tumor cells getting lesions could form second primary cancer. Contrary, high activity of DNA repair genes counteracts attempted therapy. It means an individualized therapy based on ...
29.Rosell R, Taron M, Barnadas A, Scagliotti G, Sarries C, Roig B. 2003. Nucleotide Excision Repair Pathways Involved in Cisplatin Resistance in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Control. 10(4):297-305.30.Vogel U, Dybdahl M, Frentz G, Nexø BA. 2000. DNA repair capacity: inconsist...
近日,密西根大学放射肿瘤系Daniel R. Wahl教授课题组在Nature Communications杂志上在线发表了题为Purine metabolism regulates DNA repair and therapy resistance in glioblastoma的研究论文,揭示了嘌呤代谢合成与GBM放疗抵抗的相关性。 在这项研究中,研究人员首先通过质谱分析法(Mass Spectrometry)检测发现,GBM中嘌呤合成增...
Chapter 2-MGMT—a critical DNA repair gene target for chemotherapy resistance M. Christmann and B. Kaina Pages 55-82 Purchase View chapter View abstract Select Chapter 3 - Understanding the basics for translating the base excision repair pathway from benchtop to bedside in cancer treatment ...
DNA repair: counteragent in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis-acomplice in cancer therapy resistance DNA-reactive carcinogens and anticancer drugs induce many structurally distinct mutagenic and cytotoxic DNA lesions. The varying capability of normal and m... MF Rajewsky,J Engelbergs,J Thomale,... - 《...
However, the expression of many DNA helicases is upregulated in transformed or neoplastic cells and tissues and is required for cancer cell proliferation or resistance to DNA damage imposed by chemotherapies. The RecQ and iron-sulphur (Fe-S) families of DNA helicases have prominent roles in ...
The DNA repair and DNA damage response (DDR) pathway is frequently disrupted in cancer and is one of the hallmarks of cancer. Germline and/or somatic mutations in critical DNA repair/DDR genes cause predisposition to cancer and higher mutational burden in cancers, respectively. Synthetic lethality...
DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy Book2012, DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy Long Shan Li, ... David A. Boothman Explore book Overview of DNA Mismatch Repair: Mechanisms of DNA Lesion Detection/Repair Conserved MMR Genes and Functions DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is a highly conserved repair pathway that...
5.Jacot,W.; Thezenas, S.; Senal, R.; Viglianti, C.; Laberenne, A.C.; Lopez-Crapez, E.; Bibeau, F.; Bleuse, J.P.; Romieu, G.; Lamy, P.J. BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation, 53BP1 protein expression and PARP-1 activity as biomarkers of DNA repair deficit in breast cancer. ...