Ltspice uses the independent source circle. So be careful when looking at your circuit, especially in Ltspice. To use these elements you place them in your circuit like you would a normal source. Make sure the +/- or current arrow are hooked up correctly, for the source part of the ...
0 Simulating a specific circuit on LTspice 2 [Last Update]Simulating an RLC circuit with the 1N3880 in ngpice did not show any results or graph 0 Calculating and Simulating Voltage dependent source circuit in LTSPICE - What am I doing wrong? 1 Why doesn't my current ...
I have tried searching for similar problems, but the problems which I have encountered have only considered the dependent voltage source on its own (no resistor etc. connected in series). It would be deeply appreciated if anyone could explain how to express the current in terms of the node...
Lenz's law and instantaneous change in inductor's current Nov 2, 2019 Replies 3 Views 1K Load matching/impedance matching May 28, 2018 Replies 7 Views 2K Unable to get the desired impedance in this LTspice simulation Feb 14, 2020 Replies 14 Views 2K Understanding Lenz's Law ...