设置器件参数 在voltage符号上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的窗口中点击Advacned按钮: 高级设置 弹出Independent Voltage Source窗口: Independent Voltage Source 窗口 既然是滤波,我们得需要一个 AC 信号。 在上面的窗口中 设置AC信号的幅值为 1 伏,其他的不要动: 设置交流信号幅度值 设置完参数后点击OK按键,电路如下: 带参...
设置器件参数 在voltage符号上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的窗口中点击Advacned按钮: 高级设置 弹出Independent Voltage Source窗口: Independent Voltage Source 窗口 既然是滤波,我们得需要一个 AC 信号。 在上面的窗口中 设置AC信号的幅值为 1 伏,其他的不要动: 设置交流信号幅度值 设置完参数后点击OK按键,电路如下: 带参...
32、i1QflFIndependent Voltage Source -VIFunctions(non&)* PULSE21 V2 Tdel矽T诫Tf冃II Ton Periodr EPjyi V2Td1 Tau1 Td2 Tu2$吨广SFFM(VoffVamp Fear MDI Fsig)r FWL(ri vi t2 v2. jr Rv/L FILE: IPar.VonM:T delay$:Trisefs: 1r)T隔:nTonH: 295.6uTperiod:(591 -3uNcycles:Make ...
我们的RC电路是想在时间域对电压响应OK完后,把长方行.tran 2ms贴到线路图的电压源下.现在我们设计电压源的参数.理想下电压从零到 1V用.右键点电压源选好 ADVANCEDIndependent Voltage Source - VFunctions 厂(nonejC PULSEM V2 Tdelay Trise TfdITon Period Ncycle)广 SI NE/offset Vamp Freq Td Theta Phi...
Current dependent voltage ? Independent voltage source ? Independent current source ? Current controlled switch ? JFET transistor ? Subcircuit ? Mutual inductance ? MOSFET transistor ? MESFET transistor ? …many more ? 2011 Linear Technology 20 Drawing Lines and Labeling Nodes Draw Wire Do not forget...
小弟是LTSPICE的菜鸟,对使用dependentsourse很迷惑,1.我创建一个电路,由一个independent的电压源v1一个dependent电压源e1和一个电阻R串联,最后接个地,我在e1的value里面填上valu... 小弟是LTSPICE的菜鸟,对使用dependent sourse 很迷惑,1.我创建一个电路,由一个independent 的电压源v1一个dependent 电压源e1和一...
Since many automotive manufacturers maintain their own specifications independent from the International Organization for Standardization, these symbols have been created with parameters that allow customization through the “Value” field, as shown below. The parameters for each waveform are described in ...
Since many automotive manufacturers maintain their own specifications independent from the International Organization for Standardization, these symbols have been created with parameters that allow customization through the “Value” field, as shown below. The parameters for each waveform are described in the...