LTspice modeling can be used to measure control loop gain and phase, thus producing Bode plots for LED drivers. The accuracy of the LTspice simulation data is dependent on the accuracy of the SPICE models used, though carefully modeling each component to account for real-world ...
Current dependent voltage ? Independent voltage source ? Independent current source ? Current controlled switch ? JFET transistor ? Subcircuit ? Mutual inductance ? MOSFET transistor ? MESFET transistor ? …many more ? 2011 Linear Technology 20 Drawing Lines and Labeling Nodes Draw Wire Do not forget...
CurrentdependentcurrentVoltagecontrolledswitch VoltagedependentcurrentLosslesstransmissionline CurrentdependentvoltageUniformRC-line tcurrentsourcetvoltagesource JFETtransistorCurrentcontrolledswitch MutualinductanceSubcircuit ...
小弟是LTSPICE的菜鸟,对使用dependentsourse很迷惑,1.我创建一个电路,由一个independent的电压源v1一个dependent电压源e1和一个电阻R串联,最后接个地,我在e1的value里面填上valu... 小弟是LTSPICE的菜鸟,对使用dependent sourse 很迷惑,1.我创建一个电路,由一个independent 的电压源v1一个dependent 电压源e1和一...
I seriously doubt LTSpice is written to use hardware acceleration in the GPU, which would otherwise be an explanation since that would not appear in Task Manager's CPU info. Another thought which occurred to me just now is that perhaps he's memory bottlenecked, with the CPU waiting around ...
The GLaplace component is used in SPICE to describe a frequency-dependent impedance or resistance. Each frequency-dependent element (Rvar1, Rvar2, Lvar) is modeled in LTspice using the GLaplace G2 voltage dependent current source. Creating the Model in LTspice ...
24、ge dependent current ?Current dependent voltage Independent current source g ?Lossless transmission line ?Uniform RC-line ?Independent voltage source ?Independent current source ?JFET transistor ?Mutual inductance ?Independent voltage source ?Current controlled switch ?Subcircuit ?MOSFET transistor 25、...
It is possible to create a voltage-controlled or time-dependent duty cycle in LTspice, though a bit of creativity is required. The duty cycle of the Pulse voltage-source function is determined by the TPERIOD and TON fields, where: TPERIOD = the period of the repeating waveform. TON = th...
Some of the IRF MOSFET models are weird with some containing dependent sources, and can give the solver issues in situations. The problem is you're using a superconducting inductor you need to make it more like the real world. Add some series resistance to the inductor and pos...