LTspice的Voltage source是我们必须了解的一个器件,任何一个仿真都会用到。下面详细介绍这个器件的设置。首先,设置一个直流电压,如下,直接输入DC value即可,Series Resistance代表内阻,我们一般不指定。当点击【Advanced】,我们可以设置更多高级功能。如下,每一个功能后面括号里是实现这个功能需要编辑的参数。①.PULSE:脉...
同样,Voltage-controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) 也使用电阻来仿真 10 倍的非反相放大器。 Voltage-controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) 的增益设置为非常大的值 1T (10 的 12 次方)。OP07 的频带宽度 (BW) 为 0.6MHz,而运算放大器的频率并不是无限大的,故大于 BW 的信号不能发挥放大器的作用,...
2023年活学活用 ltspice 进行电路设计 用 voltagecontrolled voltage source 仿最新文章查询,为您推荐活学活用 ltspice 进行电路设计 使用 voltagecontrolled voltage source 仿,活学活用 ltspice 进行电路设计 用 voltageuncontrolled voltage source 仿,活学活用 向lts
Figure 3. Placing a voltage dependent voltage source. Right click the voltage source element to open itsComponent Attribute Editor. In theValuefield, enter “Laplace = ” followed by your equation, which should contain the complex variable “s.” ...
Sample EXP Voltage Source for 10μs Rise Time & 1,000μs Fall Time, 600V Peak The waveforms below show the results of the above EXP voltage source with an open circuit, VGEN, and clamped with a TVS clamp, VIN. Also shown is the instantaneous power dissipation (Alt + left...
Current dependent voltage ? Independent voltage source ? Independent current source ? Current controlled switch ? JFET transistor ? Subcircuit ? Mutual inductance ? MOSFET transistor ? MESFET transistor ? …many more ? 2011 Linear Technology 20 Drawing Lines and Labeling Nodes Draw Wire Do not forget...
CurrentdependentvoltageUniformRC-line tcurrentsourcetvoltagesource JFETtransistorCurrentcontrolledswitch MutualinductanceSubcircuit MOSFETtransistorMESFETtransistor …manymore ©2011LinearTechnology 20 DrawingLinesandLabelingNodes ...
which is two diodes and a 423uA current source in a series loop, controlling a POLY*voltage dependent voltage source. I've got no idea what its barfing on as DN1 diodes are simply: Code:[Select] .MODEL DN1 D IS=1P KF=0.2F AF=1 ...
关于电路模拟器LTspice 中的疑问 小弟是LTSPICE的菜鸟,对使用dependentsourse很迷惑,1.我创建一个电路,由一个independent的电压源v1一个dependent电压源e1和一个电阻R串联,最后接个地,我在e1的value里面填上valu... 小弟是LTSPICE的菜鸟,对使用dependent sourse 很迷