In order to solve the problem I apply the node voltage method; summing all the currents going out of each node. However, I am having difficulties expressing the current going from node 1 to node 3 and vice versa (the one passing through the dependent voltage source). This is how I at...
Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network... Linked 4 LTSpice current dependent current source timestep too small error Related 3 "Measure" voltage directly between two circuit nodes in a simulation 0 Simulating a specific circuit on LTspice 2 ...
IC4 is a high-side current-sense amplifier whose current-source output (OUT) delivers a current equal to 1/1000 of the monitored current flowing through its RG1/RG2 terminals. The OUT current develops a voltage in ROUTproportional to the motor current, and a comparator (IC3) compares this ...
feedback circuit. The output voltage is sensed by resistor divider R12, R11 and is applied to the inverting input of op-amp U4. U7 provides the reference voltage to the non-inverting pin of U4. At start-up the reference is applied through an R-C delay (R36, C29) so as to pro...
The electronic unit, behaving as a voltage-dependent current source, helps to minimize the order of the system as the Z’comp can be neglected, i.e., considered as part of the high-impedance current source. Since a dedicated current source feeds the primary current, the Zp can also be ne...