步骤1、我们可以在GWAS Catalog中按论文的PMID(33414549)进行搜索: 步骤2、下拉至Studies,点击非认知能力表型相应的编号:GCST90011874: 步骤3、找到Full Summary Statistics,这里代表的就是能够获得完整GWAS Summary Results的地方(again,凡事没有绝对,不一定每一个表型都提供): 步骤4、下载GWAS Summary Results至本地...
We carried out a meta-analysis using data from the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog in order to explore the observed distribution of locus effects for a set of 42 complex traits and to quantify their contribution to narrow-sense heritability. With the data at hand, we were able to predict the ...
GWAS Catalogview FAIRsharing entry Metabolomics & Proteomics We ask authors to submit proteomics data to members of theProteomeXchangeconsortium (listed below), following theMIAPE recommendations. MassIVEview FAIRsharing entry MetaboLightsview FAIRsharing entry ...
write.table(f,"GWAS_AF_Finn.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE) #SMR/GSMR格式转化---GWAS catalog格式 library(tidyverse) library(data.table) setwd("稳健分析GCST274790_AF6414andFinn/GSMR/") g<-fread("AF-GCST006414-build37.f.tsv.gz") #读取GWAS数据 head(g) f<-sele...
分析方法: 使用MANOVA对寿命、健康寿命、父母寿命三个不同的GWAS summary文件进行荟萃分析。随后对感兴趣的基因座按照性别和年龄进行分层分析,用GWAS catalog和PhenoScanner查找感兴趣基因的相关表型。使用SMR进行基因表达共定位分析,使用FUMA的Gene2Func进行基因富集分析,使用TwoSampleMR进行孟德尔随机化随机化; ...
Jian Yang and colleagues propose a method that integrates summary data from GWAS and eQTL studies to identify genes whose expression levels are associated with complex traits because of pleiotropy. They apply the method to five human complex traits and p
genome-wide association study (GWAS), linkage disequilibrium (LD)]. In the Entrez system, the dbSNP database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/) contains SNPs, microsatellites, and small-scale insertions and deletions of genomes of various organisms (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/...
17EBIGWAS07-Feb-2025The NHGRI-EBI Catalog of published genome-wide association studies 18EBIgene2phenotype04-Oct-2024gene2phenotype 19EMAEMA Approved Drugs03-Sep-2021EMA Approved Drugs 20EMBLEnsembl11301Ensemble transcript database 21FDAFDA Approved Drugs03-Sep-2021FDA Approved Drugs ...
Hence, we also investigated how many candidate pSS genes had been reported their susceptibility to either SLE or RA by searching GWAS studies collected in GWAS Catalog8. The overlaps of candidate pSS genes among SLE and RA was shown in Fig. 2. Another six genes with positive evidence ...
During the last decade, there has been a huge development of Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS), and thousands of loci associated to complex traits hav... López-Cortegano,Caballero - 《Genes》 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 A Detection Metric Designed for O'Connell Effect Eclipsing Binaries We...