CTAB-Silica method for DNA Extraction and Purification from Castanea mollissima and G inkgo biloba[J]. Forestry Studies in China,2003,5(3):10-16.Shen Yongbao,Shi Jisen.CTAB-Silica method for DNA Extraction and Purification from Castanea mollissima and Ginkgo biloba. Forestry Studies in China ....
2. Li, Y. X., Zhang, Z. J., Ye, J. H., Deng, X. L., Yu, X. D., Li, X. M., … & Fang, Z. Y. (2014). A simple and efficient CTAB‐method for genomic DNA extraction from Lupinus spp. (Fabaceae) leaves. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13(4), 8542-8551....
Abstract:Objective:To verify with the feasibility of CTAB-improved Methods of DNA Extraction in Genome of the Mouse Muscle. Methods:With the CTAB-improved method,genomic DNA of the fresh mouse thigh muscles was extracted,the purity and content of DNA was analysed by agarose gel ...
改良ctab法提取菠萝dna method of modified ctab for dna extraction from pineapple,改良ctab法提取菠萝dna method of modified ctab for dna extraction from pineap..
DNA extraction method from animal tissues used in routine lab work,an improved CTABwas used in genomic DNA extraction from animal tissues.The results indicated that the improved CTAB method had privileges ofshort time span,higher quality of DNA product,low cost,and convenient for molecular biology ...
Abstract:DuetosomedefectsexistedinDNAextractionmethodfromanimaltissuesusedinroutinelabwork,animprovedCTAB wasusedingenomicDNAextractionfromanimaltissues.TheresultsindicatedthattheimprovedCTABmethodhadprivilegesof shorttimespan,higherqualityofDNAproduct,lowcost,andconvenientformolecularbiologylabteaching,inwhichthesame meth...
: Euphorbia Linn; medicinal herb; hexadecyltrimethy ammonium bromide(CTAB) method; total DNA extraction DNA的与纯化是进行分子标记试验最关键的一步,获得高质量的DNA样品是进行PCR扩增的首要步骤[1]。从植物材料中提取基因组DNA的质量受到多种因素的影响,在不同植物或同种植物不同时期组织中存在着不同数量的...
试验证明,该方法比较简便、快速、经济、有效,得到的g DNA完全可以满足PCR等分子生物学分析。关键词 CTAB法 提取 棉花g DNA 中图分类号 S562;Q75 A Rapid Improved CTA B Method for Extraction of Cotton Genom-ic DNA Song guoli Cui rongx ia Wang Kunbo Guo Liping Li Shao hui Wang Chuny ing...
关键词:CTAB;质粒DNA;提取 中图分类号:R318 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10047115(2017)03028703 doi:103969/jissn10047115201703017 DiscussionCTABmethodtoextractionofplasmidDNA ZHANGSueZHANGXiaoyueLIUHuiZHANGXianzhong (TaishanMedicalUniversity,Taian271000,China) Abstract:Purpose:Toestablisharapid,simpleandefficientmethodfor...